Lower ground floor
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8.30am to 2pm
The restaurant serves hot and cold meals, sandwiches, salads, snacks and desserts. We cook 80% of our food from fresh in our own kitchens. Healthy options and a limited choice of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free, halal and kosher options are on the menu.
Ground floor
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 7am to 8pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays, 10am to 7pm
Serving everything you’d expect, including coffees, teas, milkshakes, sandwiches, salads and snacks.
Ground floor
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 7.15am to 8pm
Saturday, 9am to 8pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays, 10am to 8pm
Stock up on magazines, newspapers, books, cards, toiletries, sandwiches, snacks and gifts. Amigos also sell a range of store cupboard essentials and ready meals.
Inside Time Out Restaurant
Lower ground floor
Inside the restaurant, there’s a snack machine containing crisps chocolate and sweets.
Hot and cold drinks vending machines are available in Time Out Restaurant and in the A&E department. There’s also a cold drink vending machine in the atrium outside X-Ray.
Inside Time Out Restaurant, lower ground floor and throughout the hospital.
There are water fountains located all around Cumberland Infirmary. Ask staff to point you in the direction of the nearest one.
Ground floor opposite Costa
Every floor
You can find baby changing facilities inside all our disabled toilets.
Free wifi is available throughout the hospital. If you’re an inpatient you will not be able to stream videos or make video calls on hospital wards. This is only possible in public waiting areas. Read our wifi FAQs to find out more.
Breakfast 7.15am to 8am
Lunch 12pm to 1pm
Dinner 5pm to 6pm
If you’re staying in hospital you can order 3 meals a day plus snacks. Healthy options and a choice of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free, halal and kosher options are on the menu. If you miss a meal, you can request snacks at any time.
If you’re staying in hospital, you’ll have access to a bedside TV system called SPARK TSL. Through this you can access the following free services without the need to register:
- free TV from 8am to midday (channels 1-5)
- free radio
- free calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers
Hospital chaplains are available 24 hours a day. They provide spiritual support to all faiths and beliefs. You do not need to be religious or attend church to receive help from our chaplains.
Along with a team of volunteers, our chaplains visit the wards to talk and listen to people. You can call 01228 523444 at any time and ask for the on-call chaplain, or you can ask ward staff to put you in touch.
If you’d like to talk to someone from your own faith community our chaplain can arrange this for you. Your own priest, imam or minister can also visit you in hospital.
The team can also offer:
- mindfulness resources
- Bibles and other religious and prayer resources
- holy communion
- anointing
- baptism
- The Threshold Choir can visit patients in their last hours
1st floor
Available 24 hours a day to people of all faiths and beliefs. You do not need to be religious to use the chapel. It is a quiet space for reflection, meditation and prayer.
There’s a regular Christian act of worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month at 10.30am. If you’d like to attend, ask ward staff to put you in touch with the chaplain.
Inside the Bereavement Suite
Opening times
Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm
Available to of all faiths and beliefs. This is a quiet space for reflection, meditation and prayer. Muslim prayers take place between 1pm and 2pm on Fridays.
Healing Arts is a programme of art, dance, music, puppetry and poetry that takes place on our wards and corridors. Our current activities include:
The Healing Arts Piano
Located at the main entrance, our piano is there for everyone to play.
Hospital Gallery
Our rolling exhibition at the main entrance includes art by local artists and staff.
About Being
Dance sessions for stroke survivors. These specialist classes are also available after you leave hospital. This programme runs in partnership with Susie Tate Projects and the Institute of the Arts at Cumbria University.
We’re only able to run Healing Arts through charitable funds and donations. To make a donation, contact Arts Coordinator, Susie Tate on 07554 478851 or email susie.tate@ncuh.nhs.uk. You can also follow Healing Arts on Twitter @HealingArts7
Previous projects from Healing Arts include:
Musicians on Call
Lunch time concerts took place by the piano at the main entrance. Musicians also visited our patients on the wards.
Trust Me, I’m An Artist
These were weekly workshops on the Older Adult’s Ward, Children’s Ward and Special Care Baby Unit. They involved music, dance, the written word and puppetry. The project was funded by the Arts Council in partnership with Prism Arts and Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery.
Singing for Breathing
This was a weekly singing class designed for people suffering from lung conditions.
Ground floor, to the right of the main entrance
Opening times
8.30am to 4.30pm
This is a comfy place for you to wait for your medication letters or transport home. The lounge has a dedicated nursing team who are there to look after you.