Visiting hours for all wards
- 2pm until 4pm
- 7pm until 8pm
A maximum of 2 people may visit at a time. All visitors should follow infection prevention measures. Use hand sanitiser before and after visiting a ward and please do not visit if you feel at all unwell.
Outbreaks and guidance for each outbreak is detailed below. When visiting outbreak areas, you must wear a mask.
Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
Ward 1 (Flu outbreak)
We are currently managing an outbreak of Flu on this ward. Visiting is permitted but please make sure that you sanitise your hands before you enter the ward and as you leave and please wear a face mask. This is for your own protection. Please speak to the ward manager if you have any concerns.
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
01946 693181 (ask for ward 5)
Ward 7 (Flu outbreak)
01946 693181 (ask for ward 7)
We are currently managing an outbreak of Flu on this ward. Visiting is permitted but please make sure that you sanitise your hands before you enter the ward and as you leave and please wear a face mask. This is for your own protection. Please speak to the ward manager if you have any concerns.
Ward 8
01946 693181 (ask for ward 8)
Children and Young People’s Ward
01946 523028 extension 24163
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
Honister Maternity Unit
Delivery Suite
Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU)
Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
01946 693181 and ask for Coronary Care
Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU)
Copeland Unit
01946 693181 (ask for the Copeland Unit)
Loweswater Suite
01946 693181 (ask for the Loweswater Suite)