Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, and subsequent lockdowns, demand for breastfeeding support has grown exponentially.
Some women haven’t been able to access the face-to-face support that they need to initiate and continue breastfeeding successfully.
At NCIC we pride ourselves on the education, support and guidance we give women and babies to promote and protect breastfeeding in all care settings throughout Cumbria.
Breastfeeding Celebration Week runs until June 27 and the theme is how partners and the wider family unit can support breastfeeding initiation and duration. A key focus will be how to get the whole family involved and bond with baby.
Last year, in response to these issues mentioned above, Public Health England ran a Start4Life campaign to offer support and advice to pregnant women and new mothers to help them initiate and continue breastfeeding successfully.
Denise Lightfoot, Midwife Manager for Public Health at NCIC, said: “The Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) is a worldwide programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF which aims to improve standards of care for breastfeeding within health care settings.
“North Cumbria is committed to maintaining the high standards set by the BFI.
“Currently we are working towards achievement of stage 3 of the BFI assessment in our maternity services throughout the whole of North Cumbria.
“This means we have evidence based guidelines, an educated workforce and a process for implementing, auditing and evaluating BFI standards.
This means you can rely on Maternity services to:
- Support you during pregnancy to recognise the importance of breastfeeding and early relationships for the health and wellbeing of your baby
- Support you to initiate a close relationship and feeding soon after birth
- Enable you to get breastfeeding off to a good start
- Support you to make informed choices regarding the introduction of food or fluids other than breastmilk
- Support you and your partner to have a close and loving relationship with your baby.
Denise added: “In line with the WHO international code on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes we ensure there is no promotion of breast milk substitutes, bottles, teats or dummies in any part of our facilities or by any of our staff.”
Find Out More
Talk to your midwife, nurse or health visitor to find out about what groups, education and support is available in your local area.
Benefits of breastfeeding
It's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to feed your baby. But you do not have to make up your mind until your baby is born. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding are:
- your breast milk is perfectly designed for your baby
- breast milk protects your baby from infections and diseases
- breastfeeding provides health benefits for you
- breast milk is available for your baby whenever your baby needs it
- breastfeeding can build a strong emotional bond between you and your baby
- Formula milk does not provide the same protection from illness and does not give you any health benefits.
Health benefits of breastfeeding for your baby
Breastfeeding has long-term benefits for your baby, lasting right into adulthood.
Any amount of breast milk has a positive effect. The longer you breastfeed, the longer the protection lasts and the greater the benefits.
Breastfeeding can help to reduce your baby's risk of:
- infections, with fewer visits to hospital as a result
- diarrhoea and vomiting, with fewer visits to hospital as a result
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- obesity
- cardiovascular disease in adulthood
Some studies have also found that breastfeeding for at least 6 months may reduce your baby's chance of getting childhood leukaemia. But more research is needed into this.
Giving nothing but breast milk is recommended for about the first 6 months (26 weeks) of your baby's life.
After that, giving your baby breast milk alongside solid foods for as long as you and your baby want will help them grow and develop healthily.
Breast milk adapts as your baby grows to meet your baby's changing needs.
Health benefits of breastfeeding for you
Breastfeeding and making breast milk also has health benefits for you. The more you breastfeed, the greater the benefits.
Breastfeeding lowers your risk of: