The new visuals reveal what we can expect from the next phase of the development at The West Cumberland Hospital. The Demolition work has been ongoing for the last several months to make way for the latest development at the site; which will provide a 2 storey extension to the existing hospital (phase 1) which was completed in 2015. This new extension will include 60 inpatient beds, encompassing Elderly Care, Step Down facilities and End of life care. The new build will also incorporate a Short Stay Paediatric Assessment Unit, Assessment area and 7 inpatient beds. The redevelopment brings a huge upgrade in facilities for both staff and patients creating a much improved environment, whilst retaining bed capacity and services for the acute site.
The demolition of the old building which once housed, Gable, Jenkin and Langdale ward is now almost complete and a second contractor has started work on building the new walls and to install the final cladding to the remaining structure. This work is due for completion in May 2021, this area will ultimately reveal the new main entrance to the hospital.
This investment in the acute site will enhance the provisions in place for the people of West Cumbria as well as the staff at WCH and go on to serve the community for many years to come.