Have you accessed health services during the pandemic? The local NHS is seeking feedback on patients’ experiences during the outbreak.
A survey covering three areas: General Practice; Hospital and Community Services; and Mental Health Services is gathering feedback on people’s experiences of accessing these services during the pandemic. Many services changed to offer telephone and online consultations and we’re keen to ensure the views of patients are used to shape improvements in services.
The survey also seeks people’s thoughts on how they would like to receive the flu vaccine this year.
It is live now and will be open until Monday 10th August, and can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/P9RBHV2
Dr Amanda Boardman said:
We wanted to give patients the opportunity to tell us about their recent experiences of health services, to help us understand how they feel about the changes that have been made, and tell us any concerns they have around accessing services as we move forward with COVID-19 and a return to some sort of normal life.
We understand that access to health services changed rapidly, and in some cases became very limited, during the pandemic, and this will help us to highlight any concerns that people may still have around this and equally capture feedback if it has been helpful.
Because we’re covering a wide range of services, the survey is quite long - but people can skip any sections that aren’t relevant to them.