NCIC’s introduction to ‘Martha’s Rule’ 

Are you concerned about a patient’s condition? Then you can CALL FOR CONCERN…
Family, friends and colleagues play an important role in identifying the deterioration of a patient.

Anyone who is concerned about a patients’ condition can call the Critical Care Outreach Team, even if you have already raised the issue with staff on the ward. Patients can self-refer or a friend / relative can refer on their behalf.

What is the process?

The team will take some details regarding who the patient is and the nature of the call.
They will then visit the ward, review the notes, assess the patient and liaise with the ward team. Documentation will be made in the patient’s notes detailing the findings and action taken and fed back to the concerned caller.callo for concern marthas rule.png

Contact The Critical Care Outreach Team for help:

Cumberland Infirmary: 07769 248 453

West Cumberland Hospital: 07827 983 964    

**Please note: Whilst we aim to answer your call immediately, if we are busy, please leave a message and we will call you back.

*Please don’t call this number if you have issues with food, parking, the ward or the hospital facilitiesYou can raise these with ward staff or contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).  

Our on-site Patient Advice and Liaison Service: 01228 814 008 | 01946 523 818