If you did not get a letter or are unable to find it, you can call our Contact Centre on 03447 760003. Calls to this number will be charged at your local rate.
Before you call, make sure you have your Patient or NHS Number handy. This will help us to find you on our computer system.
Please note, the Contact Centre is not able to change or cancel appointments for:
- community hospitals or clinics
- Radiology including X-ray or scans
- pre-assessment
- day surgery
- diabetes
- audiology
- antenatal
- colposcopy
- oncology
- radiotherapy
If you need to change or cancel a community hospital or clinic appointment and can not find your referral letter, call the PALS on 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you need to change or cancel an appointment for one of the other types listed above, call 01228 523444 and ask for the relevant department.
You can also find contact numbers on our service pages.
For some of our services, we run a text or call reminder service. To rearrange an appointment by text you can reply with the word CHANGE. To cancel an appointment completely, you can reply with the word CANCEL.
If your appointment was made using the NHS e-Referral Service, you can log onto your account and change or cancel your appointment online.