A guide to the Breast assessment centre

You have been asked to come to the Breast Assessment Centre following your visit to the screening unit.  We consider this to be the second part of the breast screening process.  It does not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong however if you would like to bring someone with you for support, please feel free to do so.

What happens when I arrive

When you report to the receptionist, he or she will ask you to sit in the waiting room.  We will try our best to attend to you as quickly as possible.  Please note that you may need to be in the department for several hours.  The person supporting you will not be able to accompany you while you have mammograms but may be able to join you for discussions with the Radiologist.

What happens next?

You will probably have further mammograms taken showing different views of your breasts. After this, a Radiologist (a doctor who specialises in breast imaging) will examine you and perform an ultrasound scan of the breasts. The Radiologist will then decide whether any further tests are needed. Most of these further tests can be done immediately and this is the reason that your appointment may take several hours.

What further tests might I require?

Fine needle/core biopsy: A few clients may be asked to have a ‘needle test’. The Radiologist or Advanced Practitioner will pass a needle into the breast to withdraw fluid from a cyst or take a sample of cells and/or tissue. You will be given further information if you need to have this test.

What about the results?

As soon as any tests considered necessary are completed, the Radiologist will speak with you about what has happened during your visit and what will happen next. In many clients the repeat mammogram films and ultrasound scan show no area of concern and you will return to normal screening. If a needle test is performed to obtain cells/tissue you will be seen by a Nurse Specialist who will answer any queries that you or the person supporting you may have. This person will give you an appointment to return for the results – which is usually about 7 days after your assessment visit. Once all test results are available a letter will be sent to your GP – you can request a copy of this letter.

The majority of clients seen at the Breast Assessment Centre will not need to be seen again before their usual screening appointment and this will be scheduled at the appropriate time. A small number of people will require further treatment.

If you need further treatment

If you are one of the small number of clients diagnosed with breast cancer we will quickly refer you to our specialist team of Surgeons and Nurse Specialists. They will explain your diagnosis and treatment options with you. This is essential before making any decisions about treatment. Many clients will have a choice about the type of treatment they receive. Our team will arrange any treatment dates and provide information and support.

We hope this leaflet will help you to understand what goes on at the Breast Assessment Centre. If you have any questions please ask any of the staff. They will be happy to try to answer your queries.

For further information, contact a Breast Care Nurse or to change your appointment

Call 01946 523370 or 01946 523375 for Whitehaven and 01228 814134 Carlisle

Open 9am to 5pm – excluding weekends and bank holidays.


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For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team:

Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service:

pals@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department:

complaints@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 936302