Important information relating to your eye screening
People living with diabetes should have eye screening as part of their diabetes checks. This is because diabetes can lead to eye problems, such as diabetic retinopathy (diabetic eye disease).
Diabetic eye screening is changing for people who are at lower risk of diabetic retinopathy.
The National Diabetic Eye Screening Programme has been researching extended intervals between screening appointments for a number of years.
Evidence shows that if no signs of diabetic retinopathy are found, it is safe to be screened every 2 years. This change has been recommended by the UK National Screening Committee. It has already been made in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
People eligible for diabetic eye screening who have had two consecutive eye screens, showing no signs of diabetic retinopathy, will start to be offered screening every 2 years. Anyone at higher risk of diabetic retinopathy will continue to receive more regular screening.
Each time you attend, your results will determine the timescale that you need to return and you will be notified with each results letter.
You do not need to do anything different for this. You will be sent a letter when are you due for screening, for you to then contact the service to book a convenient appointment.
Cumbria Diabetic Eye Screening | 102 Dalton Lane | Furness General Hospital, Barrow | Cumbria | LA14 4LF
0345 0500 109 |
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