What are dilating eye drops?
Dilating eye drops contain medication that temporarily enlarges (dilates) the pupil of the eye. The drops most commonly used are cyclopentolate but occasionally atropine is required.
Why are dilating drops necessary?
A large pupil allows examination of the inside of the eye to check if the eyes are healthy or diagnose any eye diseases. Also, relaxing the focusing muscles of the eye allows for more accurate measurement of refractive error (need for glasses).
Do the drops sting?
Drops may cause a stinging sensation as they are put in but this will quickly disappear.
How are the drops put in?
The child will generally lie flat. The lower lid is gently pulled down and a drop instilled into the space between the lid and the eye.
How long does it take for the drops to work?
The drops usually take between 20-40 minutes to work. Brown eyes may take longer to dilate because of the darker eye pigmentation and 2 drops may be required.
How long will the drops last?
Focusing ability usually returns within 4-6 hours. Recovery from light sensitivity and the enlarged pupil may take more than 24 hours.
What are the side effects of dilating drops?
- Your child may find that their vision is blurred, especially for close work.
- While the pupils are large some children may be sensitive to bright lights but wearing sunglasses or a sun hat may help.
- Occasionally children may become hot and flushed during the first hour after the drops. If this happens try to keep them cool.
- Allergic reactions to drops are very rare, but can include lid swelling and red eyes.
When the pupils are large and the vision is blurred, your child should take extra care.
Can my child return to school/ nursery after eye drops?
If your child’s teacher is happy to provide the necessary supervision to ensure safety there is no reason why your child may not return to school.
Can my child go swimming or participate in sporting activities after eye drops?
A final decision regarding activities after having eye drops is probably best made just before the time of the event as each child is different and will vary in what they are safe and able to do after eye drops.
Please contact the Hospital Eye Service with any concerns on: 01228 814 366
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