This means there is no fracture/break but the structures surrounding the joint may have been injured.
Your child may walk on their leg as comfort allows and may use crutches and/or a splint if these were given to you in A&E.
It is important to start exercises as soon as possible. Instructions are in this leaflet.
Follow up
These injuries settle well with time. Your child's case will be kept open for approximately 6 weeks. If we do not hear form you in that time we will assume they are managing well and do not need any further assistance. If they are struggling in these 6 weeks, or there is no significant improvement by the end of week 2, please contact us so we can see if you need further review.
Any questions
If you are concerned about your child's symptoms or they are unable to follow this plan please contact the Virtual Fracture clinic team Telephone 01228 814898
Contact us
If you are worried that your child is unable to follow this rehabilitation plan, or, if your child is experiencing pain or symptoms, other than at the site of the original injury or surrounding area, or if you have any questions, then please phone the Fracture Care Team for advice.
Caring for your injury week 1
Cold packs
A cold pack (ice pack or frozen peas wrapped in a damp towel) can provide short-term pain relief. Apply this to the sore area for up to 15 minutes, every few hours. The ice must never be in direct contact with the skin.
Try to rest your leg for the first 24-72 hours. However, it is important to maintain movement in your knee. Gently move your knee following the exercises shown. These should not cause too much pain. This will ensure your knee does not become stiff and it will help the healing process.
Raise your ankle above the level of your hips to reduce swelling. You can use pillows or a stool to keep your foot up.
Early movement and exercise
Put weight through the injured leg (with crutches or splint) as pain allows. You should try to walk as normally as possible as this will help with recovery. It is usually easier to put both crutches out in front of you and then lead with your affected leg, followed by your other leg.
Fitting the cricket pad splint (if supplied)
Place the cricket pad splint on the injured leg so that the patella (knee cap) is in the middle hole of the splint, as shown below. You may need to adjust its position during the day.
Whilst the knee is in this splint it is very important to do the thigh exercises to keep their muscles strong.
Caring for your injury - Exercises to do 3 times a day
Static quads
With your affected leg straight out in front of you, gently tense your thigh muscle and try to flatten your knee further. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 7-10 times.
Knee flexion and extension
Bend and straighten your injured leg, go as far as you feel comfortable. Repeat 7-10 times
Frequently asked questions
Your child should avoid sports/PE until they have weaned off crutches and/or a splint and symptoms have settled.
After 3 weeks
If, after 3 weeks your child is struggling with any of the following please contact the Virtual Fracture clinic to arrange an appointment in a Lower limb clinic.
- Still using the splint
- Still having significant swelling
- Have a feeling that their knee gives way when they are walking
- Are unable to put all of their weight through their leg without crutches.
Content used with permission from Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
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