What is a virtual ward
Virtual wards (also known as hospital at home) allow patients to have hospital level care delivered safely and conveniently in your own home using digital technology. Virtual wards are already in place in many other parts of the country. The NHS is committed to providing more virtual wards to support people at the place they call home, which can also include care homes. NHS virtual ward teams often consists of specialist doctors, GP’s, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, health care practitioners, digital analysts and admin staff.
Virtual ward home assessment
You will be carefully assessed in person by the specialist member of the virtual ward team to make sure that home care is right for you. The team will provide you with an individualised plan of care.
Smart phone
If you are suitable for virtual ward home care, you will be supplied with a loan smart phone that links to special oxygen and blood pressure monitoring devices. This will allow the team and carefully monitor your condition.
Community care delivery
Trained community health virtual staff will respond to any problems or alerts. They will deliver your care and monitor your progress by telephone, video call or a home visit, depending on your progress and individual treatment plan.
Discharge from virtual wards
Most people are discharged from a virtual ward within 7-14 days when you are feeling better and your hospital level treatment is complete. People requiring home oxygen for the first time may spend up to 28 days on the virtual ward
Do you think a virtual ward could be for you?
Ask your care provider for advice and information if you think you may be suitable
‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.
For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team:
Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 603961
We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service:
pals@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department:
complaints@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 936302