If your symptoms worsen quickly, please use the information below to help.
Call 999/ go to A+E immediately if
- You are suddenly so breathless you cannot talk
- You have severe chest pain
- You cough up fresh blood
- Your oxygen levels have rapidly dropped below 80% and do not recover when resting
- You become confused, very drowsy or agitated
- You feel cold and sweaty with cool, blotchy skin
- You develop a new rash that looks like small bruises and does not fade when you roll a glass over it
Call the Virtual Ward on 016973 66631 between 8am to 8pm or Call 111 between 8pm to 8am (if you feel too unwell to wait until the next working day) if
- Your breathing has worsened over a few hours despite resting
- Your oxygen levels have dropped below 85% and do not recover when resting
- You suddenly feel very weak and this does not settle when resting
- You are suddenly shaking or shivering and this does not settle
- You cannot eat or drink as normal
- You are unable to care for yourself
Good signs that show you are improving
- You are gradually starting to feel better
- You are starting to eat and drink more normally
- Your oxygen levels are back to your normal target levels
- You are getting back to your normal level of walking around
Target oxygen levels
My practitioner has given me adequate information and answered questions about what to do in an emergency. I have read and acknowledge the emergency advice.
Practitioner name:
Practitioner signature:
Patient name:
Patient signature:
Virtual ward admission
You have been admitted to a virtual ward and will remain on this for between 5 and 14 days. If you have been discharged from hospital on Oxygen you may be advised to stay on the virtual ward for up to 28 days.
The team will review your observations (temperature, blood pressure and oxygen levels) and contact you daily by telephone to discuss how you are feeling and keep you updated.
Some people may be nervous about digital monitoring and may worry about privacy. Virtual wards follow the same rules as any other NHS team and your data (information) will not be shared with anyone outside of your healthcare team.
Feeling unwell on a virtual ward
If you start to feel unwell while on a virtual ward then you should follow the pathway at the beginning of this leaflet. The healthcare team will discus your concerns and in some cases, arrange a change in treatment or even a return to hospital if needed.
Virtual ward discharge
You will have a final call or visit from the virtual ward team when you have finished treatment and are starting to feel better. The virtual ward team will talk to you about the next steps and if you need any follow up tests or appointments.
Death and dying on a virtual ward
In some circumstances, people have best supportive ‘End of Life care’ on a virtual ward after close discussion with their specialist health care team. Some people sadly die whilst on a virtual ward.
If a death is felt to be natural and expected, please report this to the virtual ward on 016973 66631 from 8am – 8pm or CHoC out of hours on 0300 30 34 365 from 8pm – 8am.
If death was sudden and completely unexpected, phone 999 and the police will guide you through the process.
Contacting the virtual ward team for advice
Telephone: 016973 66631
Opening hours: 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week
Outside normal opening hours: After 8pm – 8am, 7 days a week
- For URGENT advice follow the Traffic Light Pathway
- For NON-URGENT leave a messages on the virtual ward answerphone which will be answered the next working day.
Useful telephone numbers
Emergency Ambulance 999
Non urgent medical advice 111
CHoC Out of hours 0300 3034 365
Non urgent virtual ward team 016973 66631
Patient feedback - your voice matters
Please help us to improve your experience on the virtual ward by filling in the patient experience questionnaire form in your virtual ward kit bag or by using the QR link.
It doesn't take long, your response is annoymous and really appreciated. We will use any feedback we receive to make improvements in our services.
‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.
For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team:
Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 603961
We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service:
pals@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department:
complaints@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 936302