Local amputee support groups
- North Cumbria Amputee Support Group
- North Cumbria Amputee Support Facebook Group: Facebook page providing support and information for amputees in North and West Cumbria and the Borders.
National amputee charities
- Blesma (www.blesma.org): The Military Charity for Limbless Veterans have been helping veterans who have lost limbs since the First World War.
- Douglas Bader Foundation (www.douglasbaderfoundation.com): The Douglas Bader Foundation (DBF) help advance and promote the physical, mental and spiritual welfare of people who are affected by limb loss, or are otherwise physically disabled.
- Limbless Association (www.limbless-association.org)
- Limb loss information centre (www.limblossinformationcentre.com): Resource centre for those with limb loss.
- Limb care (www.limbcare.org): Limb care, a charity which aims to supply information that is free to anyone wishing to learn more as an amputee.
- Meningitis Now (www.meningitisnow.org)
- Meningitis Research (www.meningitis.org)
- Limbpower (www.meningitis.org): Limbpower aims to engage amputees and individuals with limb impairments in physical activity, sport and the arts to improve quality of life and to aid lifelong rehabilitation.
- Reach (www.reach.org.uk): Reach provide resources, support and practical information for children with upper limb deficiencies and their families.
- Steps charity (www.steps-charity.org.uk): Steps are the national charity working for all those whose lives are affected by childhood lower limb conditions.
- After Trauma (aftertrauma.org): This is a new website launched by Royal London Hospital. Provides a community for patients and families to rebuild lives and support each other after a traumatic injury.
- The Murray Foundation: The Foundation provides counselling, information and support to amputees and their families. Based in Edinburgh. Contact them by email at mail@murray-foundation.org.uk.
Other resources
- Disability Rights UK (www.disabilityrightsuk.org): Disability Rights UK aims to ensure that disabled people in the UK can achieve their potential and aspirations through education, skills, training and employment.
- Diabetes UK (www.diabetes.org.uk): Diabetes UK are the leading UK charity for people affected by diabetes.
- Disabled Living foundation (www.dlf.org.uk)
- North East drive mobility (www.cntw.nhs.uk/mobility): North East Drive Mobility helps people to retain or regain independence as drivers and passengers. Providing independent assessment and advice to people with a medical condition, or disability, which may affect their ability to drive, or use a vehicle as a passenger.
- Therapy directory (www.therapy-directory.org.uk): Provides information about complimentary therapists and a facility to search for one in your area.
- Parasport (www.parasport.org.uk): Parasport has been designed to inform, educate, inspire and signpost disabled people to high quality sporting opportunities
- Amputation Foundation (amputationfoundation.org)
- National Association for Bikers with a Disability (www.nabd.org.uk)
Contact us
Specialist Rehabilitation and Mobility Centre,
Lower Ground Floor,
Cumberland Infirmary
Call 01228 814783
Open from Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm
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