The community bladder and bowel service strives to provide and promote a high quality service for adults suffering from bladder and/or bowel problems.
What do we mean by bladder and bowel problems?
Bladder and bowel problems can affect a significant number of people. They can occur at any age and affect both men and women. Do you feel your bladder or bowels rule your life? If you leak when you cough/sneeze or laugh, cannot go out without always looking for a toilet or need to go to the toilet many times through the day and night, we may be able to help.
How can I make an appointment?
Asking for help with any type of bladder and/or bowel problem is the first step. These conditions can be embarrassing. To make an appointment the community bladder and bowel service requires a ‘referral’ or relevant information. This will enable us to ensure the right person sees you.
Who can make a referral?
A referral can be made by your GP, any health or social professional, a carer, family member or yourself. If a GP or Health/Social Care Professional makes the referral on your behalf they will send your relevant details to us. You still have the right to decline an appointment with the service if you do not wish to be seen by the specialist nurse.
What does the Bladder & Bowel Service offer?
You will be seen by a qualified nurse who has received specialist training in providing appropriate care for a person suffering bladder/bowel problems. The initial assessment will include a detailed discussion about the history of your problems, including medications and may require testing sample of your urine. As part of the assessment you may require an ultrasound examination of the bladder. In some cases a physical examination may be required. You can bring someone to accompany you if you prefer.
This confidential service is nurse-led with clinics being run by nurses with a specialist qualification in bladder and bowel dysfunction, promotion and management of continence. Clinics are held in various locations across the county and you can attend any of these clinics.
Home visits
Home visits can be arranged for people whose medical condition means they are house bound and unable to regularly attend their GP surgery or practice/treatment room nurse. All of the Nursing Team wear ID badges. Please ensure you inspect these before allowing staff into your home.
Contact us
Specialist Bladder and Bowel Nurse
Flatt Walks Health Centre
3 Castle Meadows
CA28 7QE
Call 01946 68643
Community Bladder and Bowel Service
London Road Community Clinic
Hilltop Heights
Call 01228 608060
‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.
For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team: | 01228 603961
We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302