Welcome to Isel Ward
Isel ward has 11 inpatient beds. As a patient you are usually here because you are not well enough to stay at home, but an acute hospital ward is not suitable for your needs. Here you can be looked after by GP’s, closer to home.
We provide care and therapy to help you recover and rehabilitate. No one likes to be in hospital, so we will support you to return home as soon as you are well enough, and arrange for any follow up support you may need at home.
Important information
Ward Telephone number: 01900 705776 option 5
Hospital Address: Isel Ward, Cockermouth Community Hospital, 1 Isel Rd Cockermouth CA13 9HT
Visiting times
Visiting hours every day are:
2:00pm – 4:00pm
7.00pm – 8.00pm
Visiting outside these hours must be agreed by the nurse in charge. We ask that you have a maximum of 2 visitors at a time. Your visitors may be asked to leave if you are to receive treatment or when the GP is doing a ward round. Nursing staff are happy to discuss aspects of care with visitors, if you are happy for them to do so.
Meal times
Meal times are:
Breakfast: from 7am onwards
Lunch: 12 noon
Tea: 16.45pm
All patients are encouraged to eat their meals in the dining room. As part of the Protected Meal Times Policy no other visitors will be allowed at meal times, to make sure you can enjoy your meal without interruptions. Every day you will be given a menu to complete for the following day’s meals. If you arrive between meal times, please ask staff for a snack box. Please let staff know if you have any special dietary requirements. Food safety is a priority, any items of food brought from home should be given to staff for safe storage.
When you arrive
When you arrive at the ward, a member of staff will show you to your bed area. This is where you will receive your treatment and care. You will also be shown where the toilets, bathrooms and dining room are.
Any questions
We hope we can make your stay here as comfortable as possible. If you have any questions, please ask a member of staff and they will be happy to help you.
You will be shown where the call button is beside your bed; if you need any help or have any concerns, please use the button to call staff.
What to do in the event of a fire alarm
Fire alarms are tested each week and patients are given advance notice of this. In the unlikely event of a fire, nursing staff will advise you about evacuation. Please note the fire exits which are clearly marked throughout the ward.
Your care - Your care treatment and assessment will focus on your discharge plan. Staff will address your individual needs and plan for when you leave hospital. This may be to go home or in some cases you may require care in another setting. Staff will talk to you about this and explain what will happen while you are on the ward.
You are encouraged to be involved in planning your care and you are welcome to speak to staff about your care at any time. It is important that you tell staff if you are currently taking any medicines, and if possible bring these medicines with you. The GP will decide what medication you should be taking during your stay and when you leave hospital.
Your carers, relatives and friends
When we say ‘carer’, we mean the person, or people, that you wish to be informed about your care. This may be a partner, relative, friend, neighbour or an advocate. You will be asked to identify a person who will be the main point of contact for the ward staff.
We realise that your family and friends will want to keep up to date with your condition and progress. However, we will not give out information about your condition to anyone unless you give us your permission. We ask that only your main carer contacts us for information, and then they can pass the information on to other relatives or friends that you are happy to know about your care.
We also request that unless there are exceptional circumstances, calls are made after 11am. Wherever appropriate for the patient we ask that family, carers and friends transport you to outpatients or when you are discharged from hospital. Transport will only be arranged where deemed medically required.
Consent to treatment
You will be asked to give consent for treatment and investigations and for any referrals made to other health or social services professionals. You will also be asked to give consent for staff to share information about your care with your carer.
Consent may be:
Spoken – Saying yes or no to a procedure,
Written – signing a consent form
An action – for example holding out your arm to a nurse who is about to take your blood pressure indicates that you are happy to consent.
Identity bands
When you are admitted, you will have an identity band put on your wrist. This will have your name, hospital number and date of birth on it. If you have any allergies the wrist band will be red in colour to let staff know that you have allergies.
Same sex accommodation
The ward is for both male and female patients. It is separated into male and female areas, so you will only be sharing sleeping areas, toilet and bathroom facilities with people of the same sex.
Communications and advocacy
If you would like support from advocacy services, please let a member of staff know and they will arrange this for you. Advocacy is a free service, and an advocate is someone who can speak up on your behalf, or help you speak up for yourself. If English is not your first language we can provide you with an interpreter.
Smoke free
Please do not smoke in the hospital building or on the grounds. The Trust has a strict No Smoking policy. If you would like Nicotine replacement therapy or help to stop smoking, please speak to staff.
What you will need while you are in hospital
Please bring day and night clothing. We encourage patients to wear day clothes that maintain your privacy and dignity. Getting dressed as you would at home is often an important part of your rehabilitation assessment. We do have hospital nightdresses and pyjamas if required. We do not provide a laundry service. Please ask your visitors to bring you clean clothes and take away clothes for washing.
You will need suitable footwear to keep you safe while in hospital and reduce the risk of falling. Well-fitting slippers or shoes are recommended. Please provide your own toiletries and towels, including soap, bath products, shampoo, shaving equipment and products for the care of your teeth/dentures.
You will have a locker by your bed for personal belongings. Please only bring what you need and put your name on things if possible. If you use a walking stick or other aids, please bring this with you.
Car parking
There is no charge for car parking for visitors/family members or blue badge holders within the hospital carpark.
Your responsibilities
- Please let staff know if you have any special needs, such as dietary or religious requirements.
- Please provide staff with relevant information about your past medical history, medication or any other treatments and contact details for your carer, relative or friend.
- Please do not smoke in the hospital building or on the grounds.
- Please treat staff and fellow patients with respect.
- Please let staff know if there is a change in your condition or if there are any problems during your stay.
- Please consider other sleeping patients, the privacy of other patients and only use your mobile phone on a low volume when necessary. If you require a place to use your mobile phone, please speak with the ward staff
- Recording of staff or other patients including by video or photograph is not permitted while on the ward.
- Please let staff know if you have any concerns so they can address these as soon as possible.
Recreational facilities
You are free to get up, rest and go to bed when you want to, as long as you are fit enough to do so. A member of staff will advise you if there are any restrictions on your activity because of your conditions or treatment.
Freeview television is provided in all rooms and there is complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the hospital for patient use so you can keep in contact with friends and family. To access the Wi-Fi please speak with the staff who will be happy to help. To help pass the time there is a separate seating area, where there is a television, radio and books. Any electrical items brought into hospital with you must be checked by the Estates department before use. If you are well enough you can go out with your relatives and friends for a walk or drive – always check with the nurse first.
Infection prevention
We take infection prevention and control very seriously to prevent any health care acquired infections.
Help us to protect you - hand hygiene
All patients, visitors and staff are asked to observe the highest standard of hand hygiene at all times. Ensure you wash your hands:
- Before meals
- After using the toilet/commode
- When they are dirty
- Encourage your visitors to clean their hands
- Ask staff if they have washed their hands
Hand sanitizer/individual hand wipes are available for you to use if you are not able to use a sink.
We ensure our staff follow all infection prevention policies which promote best up to date practice.
- Regular audits/inspections ensure procedures are being followed correctly.
- Staff training is carried out, recorded and monitored.
- Appropriate use of antibiotics are monitored.
- Patients are screened on admission for MRSA.
- Patients with infections are isolated where possible.
Help us prevent infection
Please ask your visitors not to visit the ward if they are feeling unwell or have experienced diarrhoea or vomiting in the last 48 hours.
Hospital Services
Community Rehabilitation Services |
Rehabilitation for people in hospital and at home, aiming to maximise the individuals abilities and safety at home |
Podiatry |
A nurse can arrange this for you if you require foot care, or alternatively you can arrange to have your private chiropodist visit. |
Dietary Advice |
A dietician is available if you need a special diet or would like any dietary advice |
Speech Therapists |
Speech therapists can help you with communication and swallowing difficulties |
Barber/ hairdressers |
You can arrange for your usual hairdresser / barber to visit at a pre-arranged, convenient time. |
Newspapers |
Can be ordered from local newsagents. |
Chaplaincy & prayer
Chaplain visits are made to the ward regularly. Ministers of all religions can be contacted by request. A faith box is available which includes books and equipment for use in prayer or spiritual activities.
Money and valuables
Please do not bring large sums of money or valuables such as jewellery onto the ward. If you must bring valuable items with you please let the ward staff know and we can arrange for these to be stored safely. If you do bring large sums of money or valuables and refuse to leave them in the safe, the Trust cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.
Gifts and donations
Staff are not allowed to receive personal gifts or money. If you wish to make a donation to the hospital, please speak to the Nurse in charge. Any monetary donations will be paid into the Charitable Fund (Registered Charity Number 1097632), and used to support patient comfort and staff development.
The League of Friends
The League of Friends (Registered Charity Number 1166275) raises money to support patient care. If you wish to join the League of Friends or make a donation, please ask a member of staff and they will ask someone from the charity to contact you.
When you are ready to leave hospital
Please make sure you take any personal belongings home and you and your carers understand any instructions given to you about your care and medicines. Please contact us if you are uncertain about anything or would like your family to be present during these conversations.
‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.
For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team:
Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 603961
We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service:
pals@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department:
complaints@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 936302