A broken nose usually heals on its own within 3 weeks. Get medical help if it’s not getting better or your nose has changed shape.
Check if it is a broken nose. Symptoms may include:
- Pain, swelling and redness
- A crunching or crackling sound when you touch your nose
- Difficulty breathing out of your nose – it might feel blocked
- Your nose changing shape – for example, it isn’t as straight as before
- You may also have bruising around the eyes (black eyes) or a cut on the bridge of the nose or a nosebleed.
How to treat a broken nose yourself
You can usually treat a broken nose yourself. It should start getting better within 3 days and be fully healed within 3 weeks.
- Hold an icepack or (frozen peas) wrapped in a tea towel on your nose for up to 15 minutes, several times a day.
- Take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to relieve the pain
- Treat nosebleeds by sitting or standing upright and leaning forward – if possible, pinch your nose above the nostrils for up to 15 minutes
- Keep your head upright when lying in bed by adding more pillows – this will help reduce swelling
- Read how to treat minor cuts and grazes www.nhs.uk/conditions/cuts-and grazes/ if you have a small cut on your nose.
- Try to straighten your nose yourself if it has changed shape – see a GP instead
- Wear glasses until the swelling has gone down, unless you need them
- Pick or blow your nose until it has healed
- Do strenuous exercise for the first 2 weeks
- Play sports where your face might be hit for at least 6 weeks.
For further information visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/broken-nose/
If you need further advice you can telephone 111 for immediate advice.
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