Information for patients

Important: Make sure someone at home reads this.

The doctor has examined you to detect any immediate problems but does not feel you need to stay in hospital. An x-ray of your head may not have been necessary. However, complications are not always immediately obvious following a head injury. Because of this, careful observation by a responsible adult is essential, particularly for the first 24 hours after injury. You must therefore be with someone for 24 hours so that they can get help if you become ill.

  • Eat light meals and do not drink alcohol
  • Do not take any sedatives such as sleeping tablets or tranquillisers
  • You may take simple painkillers such as Paracetamol for a headache or other painful injuries
  • You should take your other medication or tablets as normal
  • Rest as much as possible initially and avoid noise
  • Do not drive or ride a bike for at least 24 hours

It is common after this type of head injury to feel tired and have poor concentration and memory. Some people may also feel rather irritable. If so, it is advisable not to return to work immediately.

This usually settles after a few days, but it can take longer. If you are not feeling completely back to normal after a week, then please arrange to see your GP, or return to the Emergency Department.

Information for patients, relatives and friends

You are advised to bring the patient to the nearest Emergency Department immediately if they:

  • Vomit repeatedly.
  • Become unusually drowsy or it becomes hard to wake them up
  • Become confused or do not appear to behave normally.
  • Complain of any increasingly severe headaches which don’t settle after taking pain killers
  • Complain of persistent blurred or double vision
  • Have a fit or collapse
  • Develop weakness in any arm or leg
  • The patient may go to bed at the normal time but you should check they are alright, once or twice during the night following the head injury.
  • If you need further advice you can telephone 111
  • For further information visit


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For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team: | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302