Wound closure strips are special strips of sticky paper, often called ‘butterfly stitches’ these have been used to close your wound and will help it to heal quickly with only a small scar.
Some points about how to look after your wound:
Keep your wound clean and dry. If it does get wet then gently pat it dry with a clean towel.
Keep your wound closure strips on for 5 – 7 days unless you have been told otherwise by a nurse or doctor.
- The strips will fall away by themselves. The doctor or nurse may tell you to take them off if your wound has healed. To do this, gently peel each end of the strip towards the middle.
Sometimes a wound does not heal very well. Please contact your GP or your nearest Minor Injuries Unit for advice if any of the following happen:
- You get a lot of swelling
- The edges of the wound do not heal
- You get a lot of pain
- The wound oozes or leaks
If your wound closure strips fall off before the wound is healed, then please return immediately for us to make sure that nothing is wrong.
If you have any concerns please go to your GP or nearest Minor Injury Unit or telephone 111 for advice.
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