This information leaflet is designed to give you information about how to look after yourself after having a nephrectomy. If you have any questions or concerns after reading the leaflet, please contact the Urology Secretary (telephone number is below)

What is a nephrectomy?

A nephrectomy is the surgical removal of a kidney, performed to treat a number of kidney diseases.

Why would you need a nephrectomy?

Most often a nephrectomy is performed to treat kidney cancer or to remove a noncancerous (benign) tumour. In some cases, a nephrectomy is performed to deal with a diseased or seriously damaged kidney

Wound care
  • There will be a transparent dressing over the wound. You can peel it away after 3-5 days
  • If you have re-absorbable stitches, there are no stitches to be removed as these will disolve on their own
  • If you have staples they should be removed at your GP surgery or by your District Nurse after 10 days
  • Do not soak the wound until the skin is properly healed (usually 2-3 weeks). Do not take baths, but instead take showers.
  • Regular soap and water can be used to clean the wound and carefully dry the wound well (e.g using a hair dryer on the cool setting to dry the sensitive skin. Keep the hairdryer well away from the area to avoid a blast of air. Or by gently dabbing the area with a towel, do not rub it)
  • Signs of a wound abcess would include;
  • The wound becoming red, tense and painful
  • You could feel unwell with a high temperature or flu-like symptoms.

If you experience any of these symtoms you would need to be seen by the Urology Team in Ambulatory Care (SDEC) at The Cumberland Infirmary

After the procedure
  • You  can eat and drink normally
  • Avoid heavy lifting / straining for 1 month. This gives the muscles time to heal correctly. Not avoiding these activities could lead to an increased risk of a wound hernia. You can walk, climb the stairs and drive as normal
  • You should receive a follow-up appointment (most probably a telephone appointment) within 3-4 weeks for the results of the microscope assessment of your removed kidney.
If you feel unwell, please contact your GP or 111 as felt appropriate
Useful contact

If you have any queries regarding your operation, please contact the Urology Secretary on 01228 814459.


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