Our concern for you

This leaflet is designed to assist the families and friends of patients who have recently died by providing information about support that is available and by explaining how the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC) responds to unexpected deaths. You have been given this leaflet because you will have experienced an unexpected loss. It is normal feel a range of emotions at this time; these might include shock, confusion, distress or anger about what has happened. We would like to offer our deepest sympathy and our support as you try to come to terms with your loss.

 You may have questions about the care your relative/friend received which you would like to put to the Trust, and we will do our very best to provide you with answers and address any concerns you may have. The Trust is committed to reviewing the care it has provided in an open, honest and transparent way. The information that follows explains how this process occurs and how you might become involved as well as signposting you to support networks that you may find helpful.

Review of care

We appreciate that you will want to know that the care that was offered and given was appropriate, and that correct treatment was provided. The investigation is conducted by senior staff from within the Trust, who will examine whether the level and quality of care was appropriate and whether the correct treatments were given and offered. They will reflect on the decisions made by the care team and form an opinion on the care delivered to your relative/friend.

Your involvement

You will be invited to meet the senior clinical staff undertaking the review in order that you may present and discuss your views about the care given and to identify any questions that you would like to have answered in the report. Once the investigators have completed their written report you will again be invited to a meeting where the content of the report will be shared and the findings discussed with you.

During the investigation

If you have any concerns in relation to the process please do not hesitate to contact the person below:

Job Title:
Contact Number: 
Personal support and advice for you

While it may be reassuring to know that there will be a thorough, open and detailed examination of the events leading up to the death of your relative/friend, at this point in time there may be more pressing concerns. Bereavement can, in itself, be quite overwhelming and you may feel shock, confusion and disbelief. Even if you are feeling relatively calm and are not emotionally overwhelmed you may still welcome some help and advice as you begin to deal with the consequences of your loss. You may find talking things through with someone at this stage helpful or consoling.

If there is no one available when you phone please leave a message on the answer phone and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Other services that may be able to help you include

The Trust’s Patient Experience Team: can provide advice, support and a listening ear to families. The team can also signpost to local support groups and services.

Bereavement service  

01228 616878 - cicbereavementservices@nhs.net

Help is at Hand: a resource for people bereaved by suicide and other sudden, traumatic death.

Published by the Department of Health


Sudden - For people bereaved by a sudden death www.suddendeath.org/

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS): National helpline 0300111 5065  www.uk-sobs.org.uk or email: sobscumbria@hotmail.co.uk

Cumbria (support group) - Phone: Paul on 0789 670 3757 or John on 0757 297 5721

Child Bereavement UK - www.childbereavementuk.org/support/

We support families and educate professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Tel: 0800 02 888 40 Email: support@childbereavementuk.org

Eden and Carlisle - Contact Us: Tel: 01228 593 810 or 0800 02 888 40

SAMM - Support after Murder and Manslaughter

For anyone who has suffered the traumatic death of a loved one, regardless of how long since the death. National helpline: 0845 872 3440 Email: support@samm.org.uk


‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.

For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team:

Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service:

pals@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department:

complaints@ncic.nhs.uk | 01228 936302