Maintaining healthy feet and nails enhances your quality of life. It may seem like a chore but putting aside 20 minutes a day will reap benefits and keep your feet hydrated, clean and healthy. If you have difficulty with your nail please discuss this with a podiatrist.
Nail filing
If you find your nails are too hard or thickened to cut with scissors or clippers, file the nail instead.
File across the free edge of the nails at least once a week with a nail file. This will keep the nails at a safe length. If the nails are thickened, you can file over the surface of the nail. Filing prevents them from splitting and breaking off and should ensure that they are short enough to not catch on other toes.
How to cut your nails
- Cut the nails after bathing when they are softest.
- Cut the free edge following the shape of the end of the toe.
- Don’t cut the nail too short.
- File the nail to remove any rough edges.
- Don’t cut the corners of the nail back into the nail grooves, allow the nail to grow away from the skin.
- Don’t use a sharp object to clean under the nail.
Foot care advice
- Wash feet regularly - careful that the water is not too hot
- Always dry in between the toes thoroughly but carefully
- Maintain good skin care especially around vulnerable areas
- Apply moisturiser to dry skin
- Use a foot file or pumice stone regularly on hard skin
- Cut toe nails straight across and file and smooth if necessary
- Ensure footwear/hosiery good and accommodating.
- Change hosiery every day
- Soak feet - this dries the skin which may lead to cracking of skin
- Wash feet in detergents eg Fairy Liquid
- Apply talcum heavily
- Apply ointments or cream in between the toes
- Use a sharp instrument to clear under the nails
- Use medicated corn plasters
- Use razor blades/ scissors for hard skin
- Don’t walk barefoot
- Don’t use hot water bottles/direct sources of heat
For further information or if you develop a problem with your feet, please contact your nearest podiatry clinic on
Carlisle – 01228 608020
Penrith – 01768 245628
Workington– 01900 705120
Whitehaven – 01946 68635
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