Treatment options

Choosing to terminate a pregnancy can be an emotionally difficult decision. This leaflet aims to provide information about the options available and the processes involved. The appropriate option will depend on your individual circumstances and the gestation of your pregnancy.  You may require two to three visits to the hospital depending on the method most suitable for you.

On your first attendance a full medical, menstrual and contraceptive history will be taken. An ultrasound scan will be performed to confirm the gestation of the pregnancy.  All women attending our clinics will be offered Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea testing and the opportunity to discuss contraception.

At this trust we are unable to offer termination of pregnancy after 17 weeks gestation but you can be referred to an alternative clinic up to 24 weeks. (This will be in a specialist centre out of the area).


Options available

Home management

This can be performed up to nine weeks gestation. You will require two to three appointments within Women’s Outpatients. On your first or second visit you will be given one tablet to swallow. You will return two to three days later when you will be given further tablets (usually vaginally) and allowed home immediately.

If you choose this method it is essential that you are accompanied by a responsible adult for the second part of your treatment. This person must agree to stay with you during the whole process. If you attend alone we would be unable to proceed.

After being allowed home we would expect that you will have heavy bleeding and crampy pains until the process is complete. The nurse will supply pain killers and open access numbers if you are not coping at home. The nurse will agree times that she will phone you throughout the day. 

You may be given a review appointment for 2-3 weeks afterwards if required.

Inpatient management

This can be performed up to 18 weeks gestation. This method will require 2 – 3 visits to hospital.  To start the medical termination you will be given a tablet to swallow in clinic and a date for your admission to hospital will be given for 2 - 3 days later. When you are admitted you will be given a series of tablets (usually vaginally using an applicator tampon). These tablets will cause cramping and bleeding, the nursing staff will monitor your bleeding until the procedure is complete.

The ward endeavour to provide a single room with en-suite toilet facilities.

On the day of your procedure it may take some time for these rooms to become available, you will be given the telephone number to liaise with the nursing staff regarding a time for your admission. You may need to stay in hospital overnight. It is recommended to bring an overnight bag with you just in case.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) - Surgical management under local anaesthetic

This can be performed up to nine weeks gestation. MVA is a way of emptying the womb using local anaesthetic and suction whist you are awake. This procedure has been performed in the UK and globally for more than 30 years. It has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate.

An appointment will be arranged with you to see the doctor and you can expect to be at the hospital for a total of 2 to 3 hours. Women opting for MVA can often have a coil inserted at the time of procedure where this is the chosen method of contraception, therefore preventing the need for further appointments.

Surgical management under general anaesthetic

This may be offered in exceptional circumstances up to 12 weeks gestation, this would be negotiated with the clinician during your first consultation.

When and your clinician have agreed on the most appropriate treatment option for you a more detailed leaflet will be provided.

Contact details

Women’s Outpatients Department CIC:  01228 814264

West Cumberland Hospital: 01946 523211

Useful Contacts 

Women’s Outpatients Department CIC: 01228 814264

Solway Clinic, Sexual Health: 01228 608989

Sexual Health Cumbria: 0845 371 4037

British Pregnancy Advisory Service: 08457 30 40 30

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247

The Bridgeway (Sexual Assault Support Service 24/7 Helpline): 0808 118 6432



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For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team: | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302