The genitals are covered by a thinner type of skin and may be more sensitive to irritants than other parts of the body.
General advice
- Avoid washing with perfumed soaps, bubble baths and foaming shower gels
- Use emollient soap substitutes for washing, (you can buy these from the pharmacy) they do not need to lather to clean the skin.
- Gently wash the area and pat dry with a soft towel.
- You can use emollient cream as a moisturiser, applying after having a bath or shower.
- Using an antihistamine at bedtime can reduce itchiness.
- Avoid Nylon underwear and tight fitting clothing which may irritate the skin.
- Wear loose fitting clothing and underwear made from natural fibres e.g cotton.
If the area is wet and sore
- Try bathing the area in salt water to dry the area out (small cup of salt in bath)
Avoid over washing the area
For more information about sexual health services
Visit Cumbria sexual health services
Tel: 01228 608989
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