Tips to promote continence following a stroke
- Adopt a routine to help avoid accidents.
- Drink plenty of fluids through the day-especially water, to help avoid
infections of the bladder and constipation. - Try to have 6-8 glasses of fluid each day.
- Cut down on drinks which contain caffeine, such as Tea, coffee, cola and alcoholic drinks, as they can irritate the bladder.
- Avoid drinking any fluids 2.5-3 hours before going to bed.
- Keep as active as you can. This will help stimulate the bowel to move regularly.
- Try to use the toilet as soon as you need to (unless you are on a bladder training programme), and empty your bladder fully.
- Wear clothes that are easy to unfasten-with Velcro or elasticated waist bands.
For more information
Early Supported Stroke Discharge Team
Carlisle & Brampton
London Road Community Clinic
Hilltop Heights
London Road
Tel: 01228 602108
Penrith Hospital
Bridge Lane
CA11 8HX
Tel: 01768 245593
West (Workington and Copeland)
Maryport Community Hospital
Ewanrigg Road
CA15 8EJ
Tel: 01900 811842
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