The Early Supported Stroke Discharge team will support you to regain independence and improve your quality of life after your Stroke.
To get the most from your rehab visits from Stroke Team, structure your day to include activity, visits from team, rest and relaxation. Try to plan ahead for the following day. Use a list if this helps you.
Encourage new connections in your brain
Involve your weaker arm/leg in everything you do. Pay attention to how you are walking and correct.
Personal exercise programme
Your exercises are prescribed to run alongside your daily routine. Wear supportive shoes/trainers and comfortable clothing. Keep distractions to a minimum. Take your time. If you do the exercises quickly your muscles will not have time to correctly respond. If stamina is low, complete some exercises from pack, then complete some more after a period of rest. Pace yourself!
When washing and dressing
Keep distractions to a minimum Take your time, Place items on your weaker side to encourage your attention to that side involve your weaker hand in every task possible: hold soap/toothpaste if able and attend to your weaker side first. Am I sitting/standing with both feet flat on the floor? Where is my weaker arm/leg.? Am I sitting up straight? Is my body in the centre? (Use mirror if possible).
Meal times
Keep distractions to a minimum. Take your time. When sitting or standing: Where are my feet? Am I taking weight evenly over both feet? Are both feet facing in the same direction? Include your weaker hand in meal preparation: Place items into weaker hand, use weaker hand to open /close kitchen doors if you have some activity.
Take your time. You will be tired. When mobilising/using stairs Concentrate on walking correctly. Remember to lift your weaker leg/foot. If you need to take items with you to the bedroom, an across the body bag can be useful, enabling you to take your phone, bottle of water etc. independently from room to room. If sitting on your bed to change, make sure both knees are bent, feet are flat and your bottom is as far back as you can go onto your bed. If your bed is high, a chair may be useful to avoid sliding off bed.
Establish a routine. Prepare yourself for sleep. You may need to go to bed earlier than before your stroke. Speak to Stroke team if struggling with sleep.
Prioritise what needs to be done. Remember to include your weaker arm and ensure you are mobilising correctly with good posture. Pace yourself!
If you require any further information, please ask a member of the Early Supported Stroke Discharge Team or telephone: 01228 602108.
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We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818
If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302