Working across North Cumbria with patients and professionals to support those adjusting to life after stroke.

There are over 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK and there are more than 100,000 strokes in the UK each year, which is around one stroke every five minutes. A stroke is a brain attack, it happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. For many people a stroke happens very suddenly, leaving people with little time to prepare. Feelings of disbelief, anger, sadness and worry can all be common, and are understandable reactions to a sudden traumatic event. 

A stroke can affect how you move, think and feel, and be life changing for you and your family. The road to recovery can be difficult, but we are here to support you through this process.

 Who we are?

 The Stroke Wellbeing Service works with people following a stroke to help them to better understand and manage the emotional impact. We work across North Cumbria to offer assessment, therapy, support and advice to patients who are recovering from a stroke. We work closely with the staff on the wards and the Early Supported Stroke Discharge Teams in the community.

 What you can expect from us?

 One of our team will spend some time talking to you, to assess how we can best support you, and offer advice on strategies that can help you manage difficulties you are facing in your daily life. Our team is made up of Psychologists, Psychological Therapists and Living Well Coaches who can offer sessions during your time in the hospital, and when you return home. They can support you to practice useful coping strategies for common cognitive and emotional problems. This might include using mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety and help boost your mood, and strategies to help you improve your memory, thinking and organisational skills.

 Further Resources - Physical health psychology resources. This website has been designed to give you some extra information on things you can try yourself to manage the problems most commonly reported by the people we see. The Stroke Association – The Stroke Association support people to rebuild their lives after stroke Stroke Association Helpline: 0303 3033 100

Contact us - 01768 245954

Cumbria Stroke Wellbeing Service, Physical Health and Rehabilitation Psychology Services
Room 1446 Lower Ground Floor
Cumberland Infirmary
Newton Road


‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.

For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team: | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302