What you need to know about radiation risk to your baby
Exposure of an unborn baby to ionising radiation may cause a slight increase in their cancer risk. Typical doses and risks from common x-ray procedures are given below. If your healthcare team know you are pregnant they will consider the risk to the baby alongside the benefit to both you and the baby of having the x-ray examination. For comparison, the normal risk of childhood cancer is around 1 in 500.
Will I be given a lead apron?
Modern x-ray equipment only irradiates the part of your body that is required to be imaged, so there is no need to use lead to shield other parts of your body outside the beam. Using lead material within or close to the x-ray beam risks increasing the radiation dose, as it increases the output of the x-ray machine. All x-ray examinations will be carried out in a way that minimises the dose to you and your baby as far as possible and, if appropriate, a more specific dose and risk may be calculated following the procedure.
What if I have more questions?
Please talk to your doctor or any of the team carrying out your X-ray if you would like to discuss any of this information further. More info can be found on https://www.rcr.ac.uk/system/files/publication/field_publication_files/HPA_preg_2nd.pdf/
Information produced by: Northern Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
April 2022 - Next review date Apr 2024
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