North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC) is responsible for providing healthcare services in Cumbria. 

About the Trust  Services A to Z

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust is a registered Data Controller. Our Information Commissioner Office (ICO) registration number is Z5544053. 

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NCIC NHS Foundation Trust

Trust HQ
Pillars Building
Cumberland Infirmary
Infirmary Street

Call us on 01228 608398 or 01228 608399

Head of Information Governance and Data Protection Officer
NCIC NHS Foundation Trust
Maglona House
Unit 68
Kingstown Broadway

Call us on 01228 603961

Email us at or

Your health and care records

When you use our services, we keep information about you and the care you receive, in a health and care record.

We do this so the people looking after you can make the best decisions about your care. You can request access your health records at any time. Find out how to access your health records.

We are bound by a legal duty of confidence to protect your personal data and make sure it’s handled securely. Only people involved in your care can access your records.

The information in your records can include things like:

  • name, age and address
  • health conditions
  • treatments and medicines
  • allergies and past reactions to medications
  • tests, scans and x-ray results
  • hospital admission and discharge information
  • contacts we’ve had with you e.g. clinic visits or therapy appointments
  • notes and reports about treatment or care we’ve provided

The information collected about you when you use these services can also be used and provided to other organisations for purposes beyond your individual care, for instance to help with:

  • improving the quality and standards of care provided
  • research into the development of new treatments
  • preventing illness and diseases
  • monitoring safety
  • planning services
  • Friends & Family Survey
  • The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES)

Confidential patient information about your health and care is only used like this where allowed by law.

Most of the time, anonymised data is used for research and planning so you cannot be identified.

Information we collect on this website

While using this website, you might be asked to submit personal information about yourself (e.g. your name and email address) to use or receive services like our contact form or newsletter.

By entering your details you are giving us your permission to provide you with the services you select. Any information you provide to the Trust will only be used by us, our agents and service providers and will not be disclosed unless we are obliged or permitted to by law.

If you contact us by email or post, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes. If you volunteer to complete a questionnaire, you’ll be transferred to a third party site within the UK. The information you provide will be used to inform decisions on the future delivery of services. It will not be possible to identify you from the answers you give.

If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content or engage in any disruptive behaviour on this site, we may use your information to stop such behaviour.

We’ll hold your personal information on our systems for as long as you use the service you requested. We’ll remove your information once the purpose for collecting it has been met or when you unsubscribe from our services.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss and alteration of information under our control. However, no internet-based site can be 100% secure and so we cannot be held responsible for unauthorised or unintended access that is beyond our control.

Use of cookies

When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device (e.g. your computer or mobile phone). These include small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally. You can find out about the cookies we use here.

You have a choice about how you want your confidential patient information to be used. If you're happy for us to use your information, you do not need to do anything.

If you choose to opt out, your confidential patient information will still be used to support your individual care. To find out more or to register your choice to opt out, visit Here you can:

  • find out what is meant by confidential patient information
  • find examples of when confidential patient information is used for individual care and examples of when it is used for purposes beyond individual care
  • find out more about the benefits of sharing data
  • understand more about who uses your data
  • find out how your data is protected
  • access the system to view, set or change your opt-out setting
  • find a contact telephone number to find out more or opt-out by phone
  • find out in which situations the opt-out does not apply

You can find out more about how patient information is used at:

Data being used or shared for purposes beyond individual care does not include your data being shared with insurance companies, or used for marketing purposes. Data would only be used in this way with your specific agreement.      

We are required to protect the public funds we administer. We may share information provided to us with other bodies responsible for auditing, or administering public funds, or where undertaking a public function in order to prevent and detect fraud.

The Cabinet Office is responsible for carrying out data matching exercises. Data matching involves comparing sets of data such as the payroll records of a body against other records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. The data is usually personal information.

Data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified. Where a match is found it may indicate that there is an inconsistency which requires further investigation. No assumption can be made as to whether there is fraud, error or another explanation until an investigation is carried out.  

We are a mandatory participant in the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative; a data matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. We're required to provide particular sets of data to the Minister for the Cabinet Office for matching each exercise, as detailed here on the website.

For more information about how we process staff information, please refer to our privacy notice for staff (PDF)

The processing of data by the Cabinet Office in a data matching exercise is carried out with statutory authority under its powers in Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under data protection legislation or the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). 

Data matching by the Cabinet Office is subject to a code of data matching practice, also available on the website. The Cabinet Office has published its National Fraud Initiative privacy notice, which sets out how the Cabinet Office will use your personal data and your rights. The notice is made under Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).   

The legal basis for processing your personal data is that processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller. 

We want you to know that we take privacy very seriously. Please be assured that we will always manage your data securely and responsibly. 

For further information on data matching at this organisation, please contact your counter fraud specialist, Simon Clarkson on 07980 729654 or email at Alternatively, please contact the Counter Fraud team on 0191 441 5936 or email

When further changes occur, we will revise the last updated date as documented in the version control section of this page. 

This is a broad description of the way we process personal information. To understand how your own information is processed, you may need to refer to any communications you've received from us, or you can contact our Data Protection Officer.

Direct care and administration purposes

Direct care means the care delivered to you as a patient, either in your home or on Trust premises e.g. a hospital or clinic. Direct care usually results from a referral from your GP or self-referral into one of our services. 

When you're referred to us, we'll share your relevant information with other healthcare workers such as specialists, doctors, nurses, therapists and technicians etc. The information we share allows our healthcare workers to give you the most appropriate advice, investigations, treatment, therapies and care.    

As part of our administration purposes, we process information about:

  • patients
  • suppliers
  • employees
  • complainants, enquirers
  • survey respondents (e.g. Friends and Family test )
  • professional experts and consultants
  • individuals captured by CCTV images
Commissioning, planning and research purposes

Most national and local flows of personal data in support of commissioning and planning are established as collections by NHS Digital. Where the collection or provision of data is a legal requirement, we need to oblige.  

Data minimisation (or pseudonymisation) is a standard process for commissioning, planning and research purposes, audits, service management, commissioning, contract monitoring and reporting facilities.


Advice and guidance is provided to care providers to ensure that adults and children’s safeguarding matters are managed appropriately. Access to identified information will be shared in some limited circumstances where it’s legally required for the safety of the individuals concerned. 

Serious incident management

We work with provider and commissioning organisations to ensure effective governance and to learn from serious incidents. The Francis Report (February 2013) emphasised that providers had a responsibility to ensure the quality of health services provided.

Analysis – risk stratification

Risk stratification is a process of applying computer based algorithms, or calculations to identify patients who are most at risk from certain medical conditions, and who would benefit from clinical care to help prevent or better treat their condition.

To identify these patients individually from the patient community would be a time consuming process. If we did not identify these individuals quickly it would increase the time we'd take to improve their care.  

Trust membership

As a Foundation Trust, NCIC has a statutory requirement to process membership data in its official authority as a public body. Membership data has to be processed in order to maintain a membership, run annual elections and make sure the membership is representative of the communities we serve.

The purpose of our membership application form is to gather the personal data required to sign up and become a member of North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust.

These details may then be used to communicate with members about general membership matters. Special category data is also collected for certain constituency groups to ensure we have a membership that is representative of the community we serve.

We also collect demographic data based on member's postcodes to enable us to report the makeup of our membership to NHS Improvement when required.

Members of Parliament

NCIC handles queries from MPs in relation to Information Commissioner Guidance. When carrying out constituency work, MPs have a responsibility to make sure any personal identifiable information they receive about their constituents is fair, lawful and handled in a transparent manner (i.e. obtained with your consent).   


North Cumbria Integrated Care Sub Contractors

Under separate contractual arrangements the Trust sub contract some of its services to other providers to ensure an efficient service.  Examples include, for the supply of Mental Health Administration and Responsible Clinician function, supported by the NHS England sub-contracting services to allow patients to be seen more quickly.

System testing

The National Data Guardian has acknowledged that there is a need for further guidance about how hospitals and other organisations should develop and test new technologies where that work might require the use of identifiable patient data at some stages.

Where this is required the Trust will carry out a data protection impact assessment along with supplier accreditation checks.

Test data will not be retained for longer than is required to fulfil legal, regulatory or business requirements.  Where test data is retained after testing is complete and still constitutes personal data, it may be provided as part of the response to a subject access request and this must be considered when establishing retention schedules. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is a range of algorithm-based technologies that solve complex tasks by carrying out functions that previously required human thinking. Decisions made using AI are either fully automated, or with a ‘human in the loop’.

NCIC is starting to use AI to assist in diagnostics however all outcomes are reviewed by a Clinician. The Trust use Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) with some of the Trusts daily admin tasks to allow more focus on clinical care.  Where this is required the Trust will carry out a data protection impact assessment for each process.

We process personal identifiable information (article 6) and also special category of personal data (article 9) including: 

  • racial and ethnic origin
  • offences and alleged offences
  • criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
  • physical or mental health details
  • religious or similar beliefs
  • sexual life   

The legal basis for processing your personal data is the delivery of direct care and for administrative purposes. This is supported under Article 6 and 9 conditions of the General Data Protection Reglulation.  

Article 6(1)(e) "necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority"

Article 9(2)(h) "necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services"

We recognise your rights established under UK case law collectively known as the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality.

The legal basis for processing your personal data for commissioning and planning purposes (including risk stratification) is for compliance with a legal obligation - Article 6(1)(c). 




The legal basis for processing your personal data for disclosure to NHS Digital is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority - Article 6(1)(e). 


The legal basis for processing your personal data for direct care purposes is medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems - Article 9(2)(h). 

The legal basis for processing your personal data for research is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority - Article 6(1)(e). And for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) based on union or member state law which shall be proportionate,… and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and interests of the data subjects - Article 9(2)(j). 

The legal basis for processing your personal data for foundation trust membership is that it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation - Article 6(1)(e). And necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.



It is also carried out by a not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade union aim provided the processing relates only to members or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes) and provided there is no disclosure to a third party without consent - Article 9(2)(d). 

And necessary for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of Union or Member State law which is proportionate to the aim pursued and which contains appropriate safeguards - Article 9(2)(g). 

The legal basis for processing your personal data for Members of Parliament, where article 9(3) is satisfied by the elected representatives order, we will process in line with the below principles:

Article 6(1)(e) "necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller."


Article 9(2)(h) "processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services."


We operate secure disclosure / sharing of information practices, all of which are maintained as a record of our processing activities using the Information Sharing Gateway. Further information is available on request.  

It may sometimes be necessary to transfer personal information overseas. When this is needed, information is only shared within the European Economic Area (EEA).  

Any transfers will be made in full compliance with all aspects of the data protection legislation. Further information is available on request.

If you’re receiving care from other healthcare professionals or organisations like social services, we may need to share information about you so we can all work together for your benefit.

We only ever use or pass on information about you if there’s a genuine need for it. When we pass on any information, we make sure it’s kept confidential and secure.

Where necessary or required we may consider sharing information with any other types of recipients such as:

  • your family, associates and representatives 
  • current, past or potential employers
  • healthcare social and welfare organisations
  • suppliers, service providers, legal representatives
  • auditors and audit bodies
  • educators and examining bodies
  • research organisations
  • people making an enquiry or complaint
  • financial organisations
  • professional advisors and consultants
  • business associates
  • police forces
  • security organisations
  • central and local government
  • voluntary and charitable organisations

We will not disclose your information to 3rd parties without your permission unless there are exceptional circumstances, e.g. when the health or safety of others is at risk, or where the law requires information to be passed on.

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust is a partner in the Great North Care Record (GNCR) which facilitates the sharing of your electronic health record with other hospitals, GPs and local authority for direct care.


Access to the different electronic health record systems is managed through a secure third party, Cerner who control view access of any records held by the different organisations. All access is authorised and audited.


For further information about the Great North Care Record contact them directly:

Telephone: 0344 811 9587


As an organisation we currently do not undertake any automated decision making, including profiling activities

Your data will be retained in line with the law and national guidance.

or speak to the Data Protection Officer

We work to high standards when it comes to processing your personal information. If you have queries or concerns, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing

You should be aware that this is a right to raise an objection. That is not the same as having an absolute right to have your wishes granted in every circumstance.

You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. You also have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate or incomplete. There is no right to have accurate medical records deleted except when ordered by a court of law.  

How to access your health records

Freedom of information (FOI) requests

The Freedom of Information Act (2000) gives you the right to request information held by the Trust.

How to make an FOI request

If you want to make a complaint about the Trust, we'll use your personal information to communicate with you and investigate your compliant. Please note that the complaint will not form part of your healthcare record. 

How to make a complaint

If having read this privacy notice, you have any concerns about how your information is being used, or if you'd like to request this notice be sent to you in a different format, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

If you're not happy with our response and have exhausted all other avenues, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can contact them online or call their helpline on 03031 231113 (local rate) or 01625 545745 (national rate). You can also email

There are national offices for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales (visit their website for details). 

Wycliffe House
Water Lane

We continually review and update this privacy notice to reflect any changes to our services and comply with changes to the law.

As we evolve as an integrated care organisation, there may be some significant changes to how we work and the services we deliver. Some examples of how our organisation has changed recently include: 

Building integrated care for happier, healthier communities

The NHS is changing to meet the needs of our community and the increased demands for our services. In January 2019 the NHS published its long term plan which sets out how the NHS will meet the challenges it faces.

We need to join up how we coordinate and deliver health and care to better support people who are now living longer with a number of long term conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia.  

In north Cumbria, health and care providers and commissioners are working in partnership with the third sector and the community to develop an integrated care system. This means that instead of only working within our individual organisations, we are working together to improve outcomes for our local population.

Our 6 aims over the next 5 years are:

▶ Support people to live well

We'll make sure everyone can access information and support that will help them stay well at all points in their life.

▶ Access the right care closer to home

We'll create health services around local communities and reduce duplication so we can spend money in the right places.

▶ Make Cumbria a great place to work

We'll provide career opportunities for local people and attract others to come and work in Cumbria. We'll listen to our staff and provide opportunities for them to have a rewarding career. 

▶ Raise standards of care

We'll keep you safe and help you recover well.

▶ Work in partnership with other organisations

By merging our acute and community trusts we'll help our teams work together.

▶ Rebalance investment to support out of hospital care and prevention

We'll reduce duplication so more resource is focussed on caring for you.

DPIAs (also known as Privacy Impact Assessments or PIAs) are a tool that help organisations comply with data protection laws. DPIAs allow organisations to identify and fix problems at an early stage, reducing the associated costs and damage to reputation, which can sometimes occur.

What is a data protection impact assessment?

The Data Protection Impact Assessment (previously known as privacy impact assessment or PIA) is a tool which can help organisations identify the most effective way to comply with their data management obligations and meet individuals’ expectations of privacy.

An effective DPIA will allow organisations to identify and fix problems at an early stage, reducing the associated costs and damage to reputation, which might otherwise occur.

Should you require more information in relation to a DPIA carried out please contact 

Information asset name Description Date completed 
BoardMaker Software The software is currently used by Springboard and the Children’s OT East team.  The software creates valuable printed materials, like communication boards, sequences and schedules.  February 2018
Copernicus Installation of software to be used to take images of patients eyes as part of current Digital Surveillance pathway.  To retain patients within the DESP pathway by introducing new OCT scan February 2018
Detailed Care Record (DCRv2) in RiO To upgrade the existing DCRv1 view of datasets to DCRv2.  To improve the capability of the Detailed Care Record to consume additional datasets from EMIS.  To improve future capability in order to test and develop the RiO Information Viewer (RIV). February 2018
IBM SPSS Statistics Software Software required to perform advanced statistical analysis for the purposes of research and evaluation of the Personality Disorder pathway.   February 2018
Rio Electronic patient record (EPR) system for community, mental and child health providers.  April 2018
Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway UK (CPIP-UK) The overall aim is to provide a high quality, standardised follow-up programme, including hip surveillance, for children with cerebral palsy that will identify musculoskeletal problems by regular physical and radiological examinations to enable effective management of these problems during childhood. The Pathway involves a nationally agreed protocol of standardised musculoskeletal examination for children with Cerebral palsy June 2018
Checking Up on the Check Up To improve the way that dental check-ups are provided to the group of continuing care patients seen within the community dental service August 2018
Integrated Care Environment (ICE) ICE enables clinical staff to see pathology and radiology results held by the Trust August 2018
Meridian To be able to use an electronic system (Meridian) to collect, hold and report on patient experience feedback, which will replace the current manual processes.   September 2018
RealTime / CareHub RealTime / CareHub provides staff with a single patient flow view per patient, with consolidated ward & hospital views. Highly visual, nurses and doctors are prompted when actions are needed to ensure patient flow is optimised for the best care and use of resources. Everyone in the patient’s care team can see the current state: the estimated date of discharge, the current bed location, outstanding tasks, pending admissions and other key information. September 2018
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDm) Health Mobile Application Health application designed for people with gestational diabetes to allow for remote monitoring of blood glucose levels and communication with healthcare professionals.  GDm – Health v18.1 is a remote mobile communication system to support patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM); a condition which results in high blood sugar levels in women who are pregnant.   October 2018
Diasend The diasend solution provides easy uploading of information from most glucose meters, insulin pumps, CGMs and mobile apps. The diasend solution consolidates and presents the information in clear and structured reports. December 2018
SharePoint SharePoint offers a web based document management system which is accessible at any location  December 2018
Electronic Staff Record (ESR) ESR was bought by Department of Health (DoH) in 2007 and implemented to the majority of NHS organisations.  DoH wanted to standardise pay systems across England & Wales and have the control to request further developments to aid NHS streamlining initiatives. January 2019
Directory Manager The objective is to link the Electronic Staff Record System (ESR) to Active Directory (AD) to automate labour intensive tasks.   February 2019
LibreView Diabetes Portal Libre is a flash glucose monitoring system, which allows eligible patients the ability to check their blood glucose readings by simply moving their reader over the sensor (located usually on the arm) to obtain the reading. February 2019
Microsoft R Software It is an open source platform for statistical analysis and data science. February 2019
Spirotrac V Spirotrac V is a software used for lung function testing in conjunction with pneumotrac spirometer.  February 2019
BadgerNet Maternity ePHR BadgerNet will replace the current paper based and electronic systems to streamline the processes in the Maternity service in line with the Maternity Transformation Programme. April 2019
Image Exchange Portal (IEP) IEP transfer of image data to external parties April 2019
Clinical Portal eDischarge Summary (EDS) This will enable discharge summaries to be sent via the MIG to the GP practice system to all GP practices in Cumbria. May 2019
Phillips Actiwatch Phillips actiwatch has been used to monitor sleep and activity levels for patients to inform clinical decision making and therapeutic recommendations May 2019
Physio Tec Physiotec’s home exercise program helps you communicate exercises with videos and step-by-step instructions, motivating patients to stay on track. Therapists can monitor their patients’ compliance, pain levels and more. Boost patient confidence, improve outcomes, and revolutionize your rehabilitation practice. August 2019
sMaRT4NIPE SMaRT4NIPE (S4N) is the national IT application for cohort identification, recording of screening tests, outcomes and failsafe for the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) Programme. It supports healthcare professionals in improving the quality, timeliness and consistency of the examinations and reducing the number of babies diagnosed late with congenital medical conditions. October 2019
Allocate eRoster  eRostering brings together, in one central place, management information on shift patterns, annual leave, sickness absence, maternity/parental leave, study leave, staff skill mix and movement of staff between wards.  November 2019
Operating Room Management Information System (ORMIS) ORMIS provides a full clinical department management solution for the operating suite. Includes: waiting list, pre-admission clinic booking, session management, elective and emergency bookings, peri-operative, intra-operative and recovery care, inventory management and reporting. January 2020
Great North Care Record (GNCR) – Health Information Exchange (HIE) The HIE brings together patient data across the health and care systems in a secure manner, embedding a single aggregated longitudinal view of the patient natively in each EHR system.   March 2020
RenalSoft RenalSoft allows the programming of patient therapy, which is then downloaded onto data cards, which are then read by the dialysis machines March 2020
Cisco Jabber  Cisco Jabber is used for local or small group conversations and links to your landline number (your desk phone) and provides the same functionality plus allows instant messaging or chat to individuals. April 2020
Netsupport Notify  NetSupport Notify is a simple, low cost, one-way alerting and mass-notification tool that enables an administrator to communicate instantly with live Windows-based devices across the Organisation.  June 2020
CostMaster  Used to produce patient level costing models for the purpose of national costing returns and internal management reporting and analysis  July 2020
Civica SLAM Civica SLAM will continue to be used for the processing of activity data into income to generate bills for the commissioners July 2020
Chance to Change (C2C) On line learning platform The learning platform will allow patients to log on at a time which suit to complete the learning which is a crucial part of their weight management journey.  It will contain presentations, quizzes, links to videos and videos of sessions we have recorded as clinicians.  This will supplement the current face to face system of delivery for some of our patients and replace entirely the face to face time for education components August 2020
Chemocare Chemocare is a chemotherapy electronic prescribing system with integrated appointment scheduling, which, using a single patient record, provides the medication record, clinical information and appointment schedule required for the safe management of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy September 2020
EMIS  EMIS Web is an Electronic Patient Record system (EPR).   October 2020
Endoscopy Management System (EMS) Scheduling and reporting system used for elective and non-elective cases going to the Endoscopy Units and Theatres at CIC and WCH. October 2020
WebV The purpose of the solution is to provide live patient data directly at the fingertips of clinicians with the aim of providing greater efficiencies in clinical diagnosis and onward treatment October 2020
Quality Safety and Improvement Team Dashboard To provide a team based view of information relevant to team leaders in the Trust. This will include in the first phase elements of the existing Quality Improvement and Safety dashboard (Trust Wide) and the Workforce Information dashboard (managers only). November 2020
Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) The Philips Vue Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) is a solution which allows storage, retrieval, viewing and manipulation of images obtained during radiology examinations. The associated patient demographic information and reports are also stored. November 2020
Patient Vision The system was set up to track patients due for discharge by the patient journey co-ordinators to replace various spreadsheets and other lists.  The system currently takes in data regularly from RealTime (to be replaced by WebV) and from the Patient Journey trackers. November 2020
eDS-Lite The system is a standalone system that has within it the basic data collection fields required to generate a discharge summary of the patients stay, including details of any medications dispensed. January 2021
NECS E-Review NECS E-review system is to be used to enter clinical harm reviews carried out by services for waiting list prioritisation. January 2021
Heritage Cirqa Heritage Cirqa is a bespoke Library Management system used by a diverse variety of library resource centres, from academic to medical, government to legal and many other special libraries and is reknown for being robust, scalable, flexible and easy-to-use.  January 2021
HealthRota HealthRota is a rota planning application for NHS trusts, offering flexible and staff friendly e-rostering solutions to ensure a fair, transparent and sustainable working schedule. February 2021
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Body Cams and Surveillance Equipment NCIC employs the use of CCTV in many of its buildings both for security purposes and, in the case of CCTV within in-patient areas, as a further measure to safeguard both patients and staff. March 2021 SPOT SPOT uses artificial intelligence to analyse wounds in high definition, enabling a standardised approach to measurement and analysis of all wounds and pressure sores March 2021
HeartFlow FFRCT  HeartFlow FFRCT is a coronary physiologic simulation software for the clinical quantitative and qualitative analysis of previously acquired Computed Tomography (CT) DICOM data for clinically stable symptomatic patients with coronary artery disease.  Heartflow FFRCT is classified as a class IIa medical device, a software medical device that computes fractional flow reserve (FFR) using standard coronary CT angiography (cCTA) images March 2021
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams provides secure instant messaging, direct audio and video calls between NHS colleagues and has virtual meeting capabilities.  March 2021
Online Non-Prescription Ordering Service (ONPOS) The Trust will use a wound care firm to give nurses access, through an online web ordering system, to wound care dressings on a formulary via a distributor. March 2021
PharmOutcomes The National Discharge Medicines Service has been established to ensure better communication of changes to a patient’s medication when they leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines April 2021
Signature One Surgical Planning Signature One is a templating system which allows NCIC to use their service to template complex shoulder replacements.   April 2021
Nutritics Nutritics will be used mostly by the paediatric and community dietitians but potentially by any of the dietitians who need to complete a detailed analysis of a patient’s dietary intake and compare this to their nutritional requirements. May 2021
OneResponse Management  North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) are deploying an EPR to all front-line vehicles.  This EPR will record personal data about the patient and the incident/diagnosis.  The system (One Response Management) will be deployed to receiving organisations so that they are aware of incoming patients, conditions and treatments. May 2021
AccuRx (Lite) AccuRx is a SMS messaging and video conferencing facility, offered nationally to support remote consultations and therefore minimise the spread of Covid-19.   June 2021
eCommunity – Mobile Phones eCommunity is an employee rostering and workforce planning tool for community healthcare providers. The system will hold  both staff and patient identifiable information. June 2021
e-Stroke Suite e-Stroke Suite is the integrated stroke imaging solution for acute stroke pathways. It includes decision support tools for the analysis of CT, CT Angiography (CTA), CT Perfusion (CTP), via the e-ASPECTS, e-CTA and e-Mismatch modules. June 2021
EyeConnect Diagnostics unit that will obtain various ophthalmic diagnostic tests and images in one packed outcome. June 2021
eTrauma The system can be used to calculate operating list demand to match with capacity, easily identify patients who are nearing their required treatment date in line with BOA guidance, and can be preloaded with agreed documentation which can then be accessed to allow patients attending Minor Injury Units, ED’s and Fracture Clinics to be provided with accurate and agreed documentation and advice depending on their mechanism and outcome of their injury. July 2021
NPEX – National Pathology Exchange It is used  for tests from other labs and sending the results back electronically. July 2021
Q-Pulse Q-Pulse is a modular software solution for the management of quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE). Its purpose is to enable organisations to thrive by minimising risks, anticipating problems, harnessing knowledge and learning and is currently used in the NCIC Pathology Department. July 2021
Silverlink Patient Administration System (PAS) Silverlink PAS provides the practical tools for managing patient data but delivers analytical and business intelligence, which empowers the Trust to tailor and improve processes to positively enhance the patient outcomes and experiences. July 2021
HepCare NHS England designated HCV ODN information collection system, which enables ongoing automate data (data = Hepatitis C patient data)  transfer from spoke centres to HCV ODN centres to NHS England August 2021
Auditbase Auditbase is an Audiology clinic management system which combines modules for testing hearing acuity and for programming digital hearing aids. It is linked to PAS for patient demographics to be pulled through. September 2021
Proximie Proximie is a video streaming and augmented reality service that connects healthcare workers and students in real time, anywhere in the world, to support the delivery of high quality care. It enables healthcare professionals to connect remotely into a clinical environment, and provide ‘hands-on’ virtual assistance, guidance and teaching. September 2021
Sentinel Spacelabs Sentinel is currently used in the trust to analyse ambulatory monitor recording. September 2021
Trac Recruitment system Trac powers the recruitment for a large proportion of the UK's public sector workforce. Create an account to apply for jobs and track the progress of your applications including employment checks, appointments and more. September 2021
Attend anywhere It is used to enable patients and staff to have direct video consultations without the need to travel.  October 2021
Blue Prism- RPA To adopt and implement Robotic Process Automation (RPA), to automate high volume, repetitive administrative and clerical tasks and to deploy the automations at scale. Intelligent Automation is a platform of technologies that can be used to ‘intelligently’ automate manual, time-intensive and repetitive tasks.  October 2021
Fibroscan Gateway (Supplier: EchoSens) Fibroscanning (transient elastography) assesses the elasticity of the liver and is able to assess the degree of fibrosis on scarring October 2021
vCreate Neuro Secure Clinical Video Service vCreate Neuro is a secure clinical video support service allowing patients and clinicians to upload and share clinical videos and photos safely and securely.  October 2012
Correspondence Hub (CHUB) To improve the storage, retrieval and transmission of clinical letters to GPs, via the MIG, to ensure that clinical information is transferred in a timely manner November 2021
EMPACTIS Employee Health Platform Software Services to deliver a comprehensive platform to enable the Buyer to build a high performing workforce. It incorporates absence management and ER case management with the opportunity to encompass Health Manager in the future.  November 2021
North East & North Cumbria CNE Digital Haematology To enable remote access to digital images and allow for the viewing and sharing of images between Haematologists across the North East and North Cumbria region in order to provide quicker, better quality diagnosis for patients and to allow Haematologists to work more effectively. November 2021
Netcall  Unite and engage. Track and improve agent performance and connect all your communications channels in one feed November 2021
Pillcam Pillcam Colon, it’s a test that can be done remotely and consists of a recording device, sensor belt, capsule which contains and camera and a software platform. November 2021
BT Smartmessaging  Smart Messaging from BT is a cloud based SMS platform that helps you communicate with your end customers via SMS and email quickly and easily. Accessed via any web browser, enables one or two way SMS communication, helps deliver campaigns, integrations via an API and efficient monitoring of responses. December 2021
EasyOnPC v2 Upgrade to EasyOne Connect v3 It is software kit to be able to undertake spirometry in outpatient clinics and on the wards. December 2021
KOWA Ophthalmology The KOWA camera will be used to take colour fundus photographs of a patients eyes to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of a patients eye condition. December 2021
MASEY Colposcopy System Implementation of a Colposcopy patient management solution based on a client/server Microsoft Access/SQL Server database December 2021
Voice Analyst App This is an app that records a patient’s voice and also provides visual feedback about pitch and volume.  December 2021
PhotoSAF via Consultant Connect The PhotoSAF feature, available on the free Consultant Connect App (download from any App Store), allows clinicians to take IG compliant clinical photos on their mobile phone January 2022
Synertec Smarter, more efficient, more reliable, less costly ways to create, distribute and manage important communications. January 2022
Home Oxygen Service – Baywater Healthcare For a patient to receive oxygen from Baywater Healthcare, a Healthcare Professional will need to complete a Home Oxygen Order Form (HOOF). February 2022
Telepath, Pathology Information Management System-  used for storing of test requests and results. February 2022
Box Inc Leading Cloud Content Management platform that enables organizations to accelerate business processes, power workplace collaboration, and protect their most valuable information, all while working with a best-of-breed enterprise IT stack. March 2022
Dragon Medical One software Use of Voice recognition notation March 2022
EMIS Pharmacy Ascribe Pharmacy Ascribe is an electronic system of medicines management, medicines stock control and purchasing to record data about patient medication histories, medication supply to individual patients and bulk supply to wards and departments within the Trust May 2022
Electronic Document Records Management System The system is a standalone system that has within it the basic data collection fields required to generate a discharge summary of the patients stay, including details of any medications dispensed. May 2022
Novacor software The recorder will be given to patients for up to two weeks. The novocor software will configure the monitor prior to it being given to the patient. The software will be used to download and analyse the data the recorder produces May 2022
Phonak Phonak allows us to remotely access patient’s hearing aids through an application on their devices. May 2022
People Services Workforce Dashboards A central source of information for supervisors to monitor workforce trends for movements and compliance with KPI’s set by the trust for the CQC. A self-service report. Sickness overview, appraisals, training, return to work interviews, workforce profiling, wellbeing conversations, one to ones, clinical supervision, safeguarding supervisions. June 2022
MedICUs MedICUs will be used by the ICU to collect the ICNARC and CCMDS dataset in addition to providing local reporting tools for the unit. June 2022
SimplyBook To facilitate fit testing appointments via a self-booking systems  June 2022
Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration  To implement electronic prescribing with medicines administration across Acute and Community in-patient wards. July 2022
InTouch Digital Clinic Room Booking System & Patient Flow Management system. July 2022
Lifebox Connect & Recovery Definition LifeBox is a digital pre-operative assessment tool which supports patient assessment, hospital decision-making and personalised patient care. July 2022
MyHeart App myHeart is a web-based application(s) developed by My mHealth Limited, to support patients to self-manage their condition(s), enabling clinicians to manage patient populations remotely at scale throughout all care pathways. The applications also include a cardiac rehabilitation and educational programme July 2022
National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) NCIP is a new national online tool. The main objective is to provide a single source of surgical outcomes data for consultants across their whole practice to support them with their appraisal, revalidation and clinical quality improvement. July 2022
getUBetter App The App is a recovery and prevention tool and will help patients self manage certain symptoms to help reduce GP appointments and appointments within NCIC IMSK and across the healthcare system. November 2022
Navenio Intelligent Workforce Solution  Navenio’s AI-led indoor location based solutions which will help transform and improve Porter and Domestic workforce efficiency in hospitals leading to reduced waiting times for bed availability and turnaround times in the Xray department November 2022
Symphony Symphony is the clinical system for urgent and emergency care, supporting patient management, tracking and clinical workflow. November 2022
Integrated Elective Care Coordination for Patients Programme  This solution enables rapid cleansing of data, provides a detailed view of capacity and demand, gives clinicians complete control over their caseloads and enables them to maximise efficiency December 2022
Vistascan Phosphor plate Digital X ray scanning system. December 2022
Eventbrite The service allows users to browse, create, and promote local events.  January 2023
North East and North Cumbria Regional Digital Pathology Imaging System (Sectra) To scan, store and share personal information and images between Consultant Histopathologists across the North East and North Cumbria to allow a more effective way of working and provide quicker diagnoses. January 2023
Netcall  Waiting List validation solution- used to rapidly discover how many patients wish to remain on your waiting lists, or how many want to be discharged. February 2023
Open Eyes (Ophthalmology EPR) OpenEyes™ is an electronic patient record application for ophthalmology. February 2023
Patchwork Medical Rostering A central rostering system that is interoperable to temporary staffing to give true live picture e-rostering across both the main hospital sites. February 2023
RealWear VR Device Facilitate live streaming of clinical sessions to groups of students (medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health professional) utilising Hololens or RealWear devices.  March 2023
BacktraqFM Facilities management system for planned maintenance programmes, helpdesk facility, property information and community staff photographic ID badges. April 2023
LUCY Switchboard Operating System System used to field service calls and automatically direct callers to the requested contact. April 2023
North East and North Cumbria Library Management System An upgraded library management system that allows all library users to search all of our library databases for a book/e-books/journals. Users are able to hold a book and collect when ready, renew their book online. Merging with North East libraries allows us to widen our Inter-Library loans and support network. April 2023
Imprivata Single Sign On The solution will provide users with “Tap and Go” technology for accessing all systems (in project scope) used in their area and also the “Multi User” deployments which will allow for quick switching between users in busy environments, such as Wards or Emergency Departments. April 2023
3M Medicode Uses clinical data from the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and integrated clinical systems and supports the coder by automating the mapping, validation, and code selection process. May 2023
Centrictity System used to store cardiac ultrasound images and reports throughout the Trust. May 2023
Easy Expenses The system is a solution which will be utilised to ensure payment of expenses incurred through employment (i.e. subsistence, mileage).  July 2023
Vimeo A video library is needed to store videos we create for NCIC Trust. A video platform where we can store, access and edit videos that have been created by Trust staff. These can be medical education training videos, department videos, induction videos, etc. August 2023
AMS Request Management Portal AMS SAR portal is a secure encrypted solution designed and developed specifically for NHS organisations, allowing third parties to submit SAR and FOI requests electronically and digitally via online forms.   December 2023
Triscribe Triscribe is a solution which will provide  reports on medicines data contained within the ePMA system, incorporating data from other systems to supplement the prescribing data.  Jan-24
Dexcom Clarity Uploader Dexcom processes continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data for the purpose of supporting patients and healthcare professionals with effective diabetes management. Feb-24
Micad Car parking  permits system for NCIC Staff. Feb-24
Dentally Dental service management allowing for a seamless patient journey from initial contact through to delivery of clinical care.  Mar-24
MyHealthCall PEP Allows patients to view & manage their outpatient appointments as well as access clinic letters & supporting information.  Mar-24
Annalise AI  Machine learning-based application which is intended to assist clinicians with the interpretation of radiological imaging studies.  Mar-24
IUVO System C Replacement IUVO CDS XML Translator sends data to Secondary Uses Service (SUS)* for NHS England to inform them of the Trust’s activity for payment purpose Mar-24
Roche COBAS Data management system for the management of devices, consumables, operators as well as the transmission of results obtained into ICE.  Apr-24
Whzan TeleHealth Virtual Ward- BlueBox & WhzApp for monitoring patient's observations.  May-24
Aidence AI/Machine learning enabled medical device, highlighting lung nodules within patient CT scans. May-24
Fedeated Data Platform The Federated Data Platform (FDP) is a technology solution to support a variety of NHS organisations in the efficient delivery of their statutory functions, including delivering and supporting Direct Care.  Jul-24
Targeted Lung Health Check TLHC Manager software application which supports the call and recall of patients eligible for a Lung Health Check, enabling patients’ journeys through the Lung Health Check pathway and ensuring safety netting is in place. Jul-24

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