We can provide treatment and support if you have any of these conditions:

  • hearing loss
  • communication problems
  • tinnitus

We can also help you with:

If you're referred to Audiology, we'll invite you in for an assessment. We’ll ask you a few questions about your hearing and any related conditions you might have. You might have to do a few different hearing tests during your appointment.

We’ll go through your options in detail and decide on the best treatment. You can read more about the different types of treatment for hearing loss here.

If you need a hearing aid, we might take an impression of your ear to make custom ear mould. You’ll come back at a later date to try your new hearing aid and make sure you’re happy with it. We’ll also show you how to use and look after your hearing aid.

You might also get invited to appointments for:

  • adjusting your hearing aid
  • a follow up to see how you’re getting on
  • rehabilitation if you need extra support
  • hearing aid repairs

Hearing aid repairs

If you need help with hearing aid repairs or maintenance, you can make an appointment at all the sites we cover by phoning 01228 814422 or emailing audiology@ncic.nhs.uk

If you require basic hearing aid repairs and advice you may wish to attend one of the community drop in clinics that our trained partners at Cumbria Deaf and Hearing loss services provide around the county, these services are free for all existing North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS hearing aid users to access.

Find your nearest drop in location for hearing aid repairs


If you only require batteries for your hearing aids did you know they are available to access at most Cumberland and Westmorland area libraries? Please check the links below to find the nearest library to you. You don't need to attend yourself a friend or family member can collect them for you as long as your ID card/book is produced to the library staff.

Audiology Department

Ground Floor, Cumberland Infirmary

01228 814422


What is this about?

The Audiology Department are working with patients to get a better understanding of how to improve health services using technology. Several health services around the world are already using video clinics successfully, and we want to continue to learn and develop how best to use them in Cumbria.

Why are we doing this?

The Audiology Department video clinics will allow us to support patients via a confidential and user friendly digital platform, easily accessible across the county.

What do I need to do?

To test if your equipment is compatible, please go to the virtual NCIC reception. Please do
this before your appointment date so that any problems can be addressed.

If during the test, you discover that your equipment is not suitable or you do not have the
equipment, please contact the service in your location and advise that you will not be able
to have a video consultation. You will be offered an alternative i.e. telephone appointment.
At the time and date of your appointment, please visit virtual NCIC reception *and
ensure you open this in Google Chrome or Safari.*

After a short equipment test, your call will be answered by a receptionist. The receptionist will
confirm who you are and will transfer the call to your consultant. Once answered, the receptionist
will leave you to continue your confidential discussion with your consultant.

What is a video clinic?

A video clinic is the same as any other clinic where a patient may see a doctor or a nurse, but
instead of face to face, the consultation will take place over a live video link that is private, secure
and confidential. The video consultation is not recorded.
Is there anything different when seeing the clinician using a video clinic? The only difference when using live video is that you are not in the same room. As a way of communicating with people, it is no different from the way people use video messaging on their computers and smart phones every day. When you see a consultant through the video clinic everything else is the same, you will talk about the same things, make the same plans, get the same advice and come to an agreement on treatment and care planning, and everyone that needs to be informed will be.

To book a video consultation, or ask for further information, please contact the service.

Please note *The link for your appointment is: https://nhs.vc/ncic-reception *Please ensure you open this in Google Chrome or Safari*

Confidentiality and Data Protection

‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.

For further information contact the Information Governance Team on 01228 608998 or email Information.Governance@ncic.nhs.uk.