
If you are on our waiting list for an operation or procedure; learn about what we are doing to reduce our waiting list and some guidance around how to prepare for your surgery while you wait.

  • angina
  • cardiovascular disease
  • congenital heart disease
  • coronary heart disease
  • diseases of the arteries
  • heart attack
  • heart disease
  • heart failure
  • heart murmurs
  • heart rhythm problems

If you’ve been referred to us by your GP, you’ll be invited to an appointment with us as an outpatient. You’ll meet one of our cardiologists or a member of the cardiology team for an assessment.

Depending on the reason for your referral, you may have an investigation such as an electrocardiogram (a recording of the electrical activity of your heart) or echocardiograph (a test that uses sound waves to produce live images of your heart) prior to your appointment.

During the appointment we’ll ask you about your medical history, what’s brought you to our service and any medication you’re currently taking.

After we’ve assessed you, we might recommend a change to your medication. In this case, we’ll let your GP know about the change and depending on the circumstances, we may invite you back for a follow up appointment to see how you’re getting on.  

We may decide that you need to go for more tests. If so, you’ll be invited to a separate appointment for these. Some of the tests we might refer you for are:

  • an coronary angiogram (a type of X-ray used to examine blood vessels within the heart)
  • an echocardiogram (an ultrasound scan of the heart)
  • an ambulatory monitor (an ECG recorder that you take home for a set period of time)
  • a blood pressure monitor (a monitor that is attached to you for a day that you take home with you)

Following these investigations you may have a further follow-up appointment, a procedure or we may write back to your GP.

We also run specialist heart failure and pacemaker clinics. Your cardiologist will decide if you’ll benefit from these.

We also run a Cardiac Rehabilitation programme for patients who have had a heart attack or a heart operation. The team who are looking after you will decide if this is suitable for you. You can read more about the Cardiac Rehabilitation programme here.

Cardiology outpatient departments

Cumberland Infirmary (CIC)
Ground floor
01228 814112

West Cumberland Hospital (WCH)
Ground floor, near the restaurant
01946 523295

Or you can contact your cardiologist’s secretary directly through the switchboard.

CIC cardiology wards

Coronary care
01228 814170

Willow C
01228 814430

Heart Centre
01228 814377

WCH cardiology wards

Coronary care
01946 693181

We recommend visiting the below links if you would like to know more information about the test(s) you have been referred for:

British Heart Foundation information and support 

Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion - NHS 

Arrhythmia Alliance

Conditions - AF Association - UK

Pumping marvellous Heart failure charity advice and information