If you are on our waiting list for an operation or procedure; learn about what we are doing to reduce our waiting list and some guidance around how to prepare for your surgery while you wait.
- acne
- eczema
- hyperhisrosis
- psoriasis
- scar treatment
- skin cancer
- skin damage
If you’re referred to this service, you’ll be invited for an assessment with one of our specialists. During the appointment, we’ll discuss your medical history, any medication you’re currently taking and the problems you’re experiencing and how they’re affecting you.
Depending on your circumstances, we may also need to do a physical examination and some skin tests. In some cases, we may have to refer you for an allergy patch test too. If so, you’ll be asked to come to another appointment for this.
Once we’ve completed our assessment, we’ll go through your options in detail and agree on a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Depending on your circumstances and the type of condition you have, we may recommend:
- a change to your medication
- botox injections for hyperhidrosis
- new medication such as topical cream, tablets and injections
- phototherapy – where your skin is exposed to certain types of ultraviolet light
- photodynamic therapy – where your skin is exposed to certain types of light
- photo chemotherapy - where UVB light is applied to the skin
- skin surgery
The number of appointments you’ll have will depend on the type of treatment you need. Where possible, we’ll also provide you with advice and education on how to manage your skin condition.
We also run a post-operative care clinic for people from north Cumbria who’ve had skin grafts at hospitals in the north east.
London Road Community Clinic
Hilltop Heights
London Road
Tel: Nursing team 01228 608174
Dermatology secretaries 01228 608018 / 602111
West Cumberland Hospital
Homewood Road
CA28 8JG
Tel: Nursing Team 01946 523742
Dermatology Secretaries /01946 523100 / 523201