E-School nurse video clinics

Online health support and advice for parents, carers and professionals who are supporting children and young people aged between 5 and 19 years old.

Health conditions

Asthma, Anaphylaxis, and other health conditions factsheets.

Healthy Lifestyles

Find out how the Public Health team can support your school with promoting Healthy Lifestyles and about “Healthy Habits 4 Life”, a free programme for families, with children in Reception to Year 7, who are looking to make the change to a healthier lifestyle.

Mental health and wellbeing

Here you can find lots of advice, guidance and support related to children and young people's mental health, emotional wellbeing, digital wellbeing, and risk taking behaviour.

Our Team have developed a number of training packages, which can be adjusted to meet individual school's needs.

Our current packages comprise of Staff training covering staff needs on a range of things from updates on health conditions, mental health awareness, and health education.  

We have also provided sessions for parents on digital wellbeing, healthy eating, mental health and toileting. These sessions can be organised for parent evenings/ assemblies,  transition or specific after school.

We have provided sessions for students including topic assemblies to support the schools PSHE curriculum, which can be shared with school staff if they wish to deliver themselves.

The Public Health Review is designed to help us think through and record your schools achievements in relation to your current provision for positive health and wellbeing as well as identifying and planning further areas of development.

The review comprises of a series of questions which allow us to consider a 'whole school and community' approach to Health and Wellbeing whilst still being tailored to suit your own school's needs.

We have designed our pathways to promote a whole school approach to support and improving health and wellbeing across the county. They are not designed to be a diagnostic tool but aim to support school staff to access appropriate services for children and young people in a timely way to support their health and mental wellbeing.

The pathways are split into 3 sections based on a traffic light system.

The first section is the universal whole school approach to prevention (in green) and encompasses all the activities you can do in school to achieve good practice.

The early intervention stage (in yellow) is where you will start to see behaviours in pupils that are causing concern. From this there are suggestions of advice you can consider that will support the pupil at this stage.

The targeted support (in red) assists when the behaviours are escalating and guidance and links to external support is clearly indicated.

Digital Wellbeing

Health Conditions

Healthy Weight

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Risk Taking Behaviour

The Health and Wellbeing Surveys are designed to meet the universal elements of the 5-19 Healthy Child Programme. The service has developed surveys for parents and children to complete online at key transition points in their schooling. This will provide local data to help inform us with the priorities at school and cluster levels.



North team works across the Carlisle, Allerdale and Copeland areas

South team works across South Lakes, Furness area and Eden areas.