All of our Health Visiting team members will support you and your family with infant feeding and developing close and loving relationships with your baby.
The Health visiting service have been accredited to level 3 of the Unicef BFI standards and we strive to provide consistent, evidenced based feeding support and information on all aspects of infant feeding.
If specialist feeding support is required we have a team of qualified lactation consultants (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) who can help with many aspects of feeding issues.
Skin to skin
Hand expressing
How do I know feeding is going well
Dad’s and partners
Positioning breastfeeding
Your newborn baby
The relationship between you and your baby, starts during pregnancy.
It continues and develops after birth and this close and loving relationship helps you to be responsive to your baby’s needs, in turn nurturing their brain development and growth.
Babies begin to get familiar with their parents voices and will be aware of emotions felt by the mum during pregnancy.
Responding to your baby during pregnancy will help to develop this relationship, produce feel good hormones and ultimately help baby’s brain growth. Developing this relationship begins with responding to you baby, for example, when they move – you can do this by rubbing your tummy, talking and singing to baby, playing music and its great for partners, siblings and family members to join in as well. Every day take time out to think about your baby, imagine what he or she looks like and consider what they can do at this stage in their development and how they are growing, some people like to name their baby to help with this bond.
Importance of relationship building
Useful links:
After your baby is born and you are having a cuddle, for most babies this will lead to the first feed, usually soon after the birth. This is facilitated by having skin to skin as soon as possible, uninterrupted and unhurried until at least after the first feed, but as long as you wish.
Meeting baby for the first time video
Breastfeeding is the biological normal way to feed your baby, is specific and unique to you and your baby and brings with it many health benefits for Babies and Mothers, for instance reducing the risk of some cancers, diabetes and obesity.
CHILD Cohort Study: New scientific insights into breastfeeding © AllerGen Inc. 2020
Breastfeeding provides all the nutrients, protection, growth factors and antibodies which your growing baby requires and changes as your baby grows.
Human Milk, Tailor-made for Tiny Humans video
Initially colostrum is produced and this starts from around 16 weeks in pregnancy. After 37 weeks gestation you may want to start harvesting your colostrum, this aids with getting breastfeeding off to a good start and will help you to be effective at hand expressing and have some colostrum ready if you need it. Your midwife will support you with this and provide a harvesting pack.
Hand expression video
The babies’ stomach is the size of a cherry on the first day and therefore takes small amounts of colostrum and then over the next 3-4 days the quantity of milk increases as your babies’ stomach grows.
No equipment or special diet is needed – ensuring that breastfeeding has no cost and it is recommended that baby continues to breastfeed for 2 years or longer if mum and baby wishes. The benefits to mum and baby are dose related, which means that the more breastmilk and the longer the feeding goes on for the longer and better the benefits will be.
Useful links:
After the birth, baby is in your arms having skin to skin, with lots of eye contact and soothing talking - baby will feel familiar, snuggled, calm and relaxed, these behaviours boost your supply of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin which will assist with developing your milk supply and close and loving relationships.
Warmth from the mum is shared with the baby and is the perfect place for baby to be to help it recover from the birth, warm up and regulate its breathing after the birth. If this is not possible straight after birth then it should be carried out as soon as possible after the birth.
During skin to skin the baby will also lick and nuzzle at the breast and pick up some of the microbiome - healthy bacteria, aiding gut health and shaping longer term health.
Skin-to-skin contact
The baby will then be ready for its first feed and by keeping baby in skin to skin, uninterrupted and unhurried the baby can use its reflexes and feeding will get off to a good start. It is important to keep the baby in skin to skin for the first feed, however you choose to feed your baby. Weighing etc can wait till after the first feed.
Skin to skin can be undertaken at any point and will help with bond between parents and baby and assist with feeding. It's great for dad’s and Partners to undertake this as well. Don’t worry if you don’t get a chance for skin to skin straight after the birth – just do it as soon as you are and your baby are able to.
Enjoy discovering your baby, what does he or she looks like, that baby smell and little noises they make – you are already starting to get to know your baby and understand their needs.
Newborn babies breastfeed on average between 8 and 12 times in a 24 hour period, sometimes they will have shorter feeds and sometimes longer, between 5 and 40 minutes on average. The more your baby feeds the more your milk supply will increase to meet the needs of your growing baby. Babies will often cluster feed and this encourages the supply to increase. It is important to note that you cannot over feed a breastfed baby.
Feeding when your baby shows feeding cues for instance – stirring, mouth opening, turning head to one side etc is recommended as all babies are different.
Remember you and baby are still learning this together and be patient. It isn’t always easy but it is worth it. This Breastfeeding leaflet may help you along with this Easy read breastfeeding guide leaflet
Making sure that position and attachment is effective will help you to get breastfeeding off to the best start, support supply and prevent nipple damage. The acronym CHIN is used to help remember this:
- Close: babies body close and touching mums body
- Head free: hand on back of shoulders, so to not restrict the head tilt to latch effectively
- In line: babies head, shoulders and hips in a line, to aid swallowing and comfort
- Nose to nipple: nipple pointing up the nose and chin on the skin under the nipple, to encourage wide mouth
Useful resources:
Breastfeeding should be comfortable and the baby should be settled at the breast. Your baby will start to swallow more milk once your milk comes in about 3 to 4 days after birth. You are reassured that breastfeeding is going well when the babies output is as expected and that baby spontaneously comes off the breast themselves when they are ready. Please see the checklist and video below for further info.
During a breastfeed, this is what you should see:
- babies mouth wide open
- rhythmic suck/swallow (nipple remains rounded at end of feed)
- More Areola (area of dark-colored skin on the breast that surrounds the nipple) visible above babies top lip
- The nipple goes as far back as the junction of the hard and soft palate. The junction of the hard and soft palate is where the bony part of the roof of your mouth meets the soft, fleshy part at the back of your throat.
- Cheeks are full and rounded
- Chin Indenting the breast
Ensure you have the support of your ‘village’ of people around you encouraging and helping. Support is available throughout the area via, peer supporters, Infant feeding team, 24 hour telephone line.
Information for breastfeeding twins
Expecting a baby with Down’s Syndrome
Positive about Down syndrome provides information and support to new and expectant parents of a little one with Down syndrome.
They have two digital booklets available which bust that myth that babies born with Down's Syndrome cannot breastfeed Breast feeding a baby with Down syndrome and The Lived Experience - Breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome (
Alternative languages
- Foreign language resources
- videos showing various different aspects of breastfeeding in various languages
A healthy diet is recommended for all mums and breastfeeding mums
Vitamin D is required to help keep bones, muscles and teeth healthy. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight it is therefore advised in the UK that the whole population take a vitamin d supplement of 10mcg daily.
All pregnant mothers and breastfeeding mothers are advised to take a supplement of 10mcg vitamin D.
Babies who are breastfeeding or having less than 500mls of artificial milk daily, are advised, as a precaution, to be given a supplement of 8.5-10mcg of vitamin D daily from birth to 1 years. All children 1 aged over 1 year old are advised to take 10mcg daily.
Useful resources:
Important information should you choose to use artificial milk for your baby:
- You should give your baby First Milk for the first year
- After the first year your baby can then go onto cows milk
- Second stage, comfort, hungry baby, colic milks, etc are not advised as there is no evidence to support their use and they are more expensive.
- By law, all formulae have be made to the same specification, therefore it doesn't matter which brand you choose. If you require for research and evidenced based info please have a look at First Steps nutrition.
Infant milks: information for parents and carers
Sterilising and making up the feeds using the guidance below and making them up as you need them, will ensure that they are made up appropriately, this is important to keep your baby safe.
Responsive bottle feeding is advised – this will help with relationship building and brain development along with assisting to prevent over feeding.
- Limit people who feed your baby, to help with bonding, ideally you and your partner.
- Watch for feeding cues that the baby is hungry – like stirring, opening mouth and head turning/rooting
- Allow the baby to take the teat and introduce slowly.
- Pace the feeds by allowing regular winding breaks and ensure the angle of the bottle is not upright so the milk flows more slowly
- Observe for finishing cues – these include the baby dribbling milk, pushing teat out with their tongue, or splaying their hands, signalling they are stressed.
- Move from cradling baby on one side to the next at different feeds.
Useful resources:
The responsive relationship which you started whilst your baby was in your tummy, continues to grow with lots of stimulation provided by parents, families and friends.
Keeping baby close to you and responding to your baby's needs will help your baby to grow into a confident, happy and independent child.
'How can you help me build my brain?' video
Picking your baby up when they are crying and feeding responsively – meaning when the baby is showing the feeding cues of starting to stir, opening their mouth and moving their head to one side and rooting etc, will help with relationship building and brain development.
Useful resources:
Breastfeeding or first stage infant formula is the only nutrition you baby will need until they reach 6 months of age. At this point your baby will start be show signs that they are ready to be introduced to solid food. This is an exciting time when your baby will be able to start to explore foods and different textures.
Your baby is ready to start having solid food if they can:
- Stay in a sitting position and hold their head steady
- Co-ordinate their eyes, hand and mouth so that they can look at the food, pick it up and put it in their mouth all by themselves
- Swallow food. Babies who are not ready will push their food back out, so they get more round their face and they do in their mouths
It's rare for these signs to appear before 6 months.
Useful resources for weaning and infant nutrition:
- Introducing solid foods
- Eating well: the first year, a guide to introducing solids and eating well up to baby's first birthday
- Eating well: vegan infants and under-5s
Breastfeeding can continue alongside solid foods for 2 years or longer if you and your child wish. There are many benefits to continuing your breastfeeding journey including nutrition as well as the close and loving relationship.
Going back to work or study can be a time of great change but breastfeeding can continue through this stage. The following may be helpful during this transition:
If you choose to express your milk it is important that you first allow you and your baby time to get used to breastfeeding as it can be a little confusing introducing another method of feeding and we don’t want it to interfere with your breastfeeding journey.
It is important to store milk correctly. The breastfeeding network's leaflet on expressing and storing breastmilk explains all you need to know.
Peer and Group Support
Meet and chat with other parents with basic breastfeeding support from volunteers
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action at Newtown Children's Centre CA2 7LD
- Each Tuesday drop in from 10am until 11am (term time only)
- Contact Becky: 07815 686814 or Lindsey: 07815 686835
- Family Action social media
- Drop in session hosted by Barnardo's
- 1stTuesday of the month drop in from 1pm until 2.30pm
- Children’s Centre, Penrith, CA11 8ET
- Contact: 01768 899901 or
- We suggest checking local groups social media pages for up to date group info.
Specialist infant feeding support
For specialist infant feeding support and more complex feeding problems contact our Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) team:
Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) health visitors:
- Laura Rodgers 07867462031
- Diane Clarke 01539 718155
Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) Maternity:
Andrea Harriman
- 07920 531015
South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support Ann Bruce, IBCLC
- South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support facebook page
Peer and Group Support
Meet and chat with other parents with basic breastfeeding support from volunteers
Cockermouth (Derwent Valley Centre)
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action
- Each Friday drop in from 10.30am to 11.30am (term time)
- Contact: 01900 810869.
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action
- Each Thursday drop in from 10am until 11am
- Cumberland Family Hub Whitehaven, CA28 7LZ
- Contact Emma: 01946 64600
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action
- Each Friday, fortnightly drop in from 11.00-12.00
- Children's centre, Milom, LA18 4LP
- Contact Michala 01229 777592
Specialist infant feeding support
For specialist infant feeding support and more complex feeding problems contact our Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) team:
Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) health visitors:
- Laura Rodgers 07867462031
- Diane Clarke 01539 718155
Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) Maternity:
Andrea Harriman
- 07920 531015
South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support Ann Bruce, IBCLC
- South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support facebook page
Peer and Group Support
Meet and chat with other parents with basic breastfeeding support from volunteers
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action
- Each Thursday from 9:30am until 11am
- Greengate Children’s Centre, Barrow, LA14 1BG
- Contact:
- Drop in session hosted by Family Action
- Each Friday from 11am until 12 midday
- Children’s Centre, Millom LA18 4LP
- Contact:
- Drop in session hosted by University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust and Action for Children with drop in from a lactation consultant monthly
- Each Monday at 1:30pm
- Kendal West Children's Centre, Kendal Green, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 5PP
- Contact 01539795375.
- Drop in session
- Each Thursday from 9:30am until 11:30am
- Ghyllside Neighbourhood Centre, Gillinggate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4JB
- Drop in session hosted by Cumbria Breastfeeding
- Each Friday from 9:30am until 11:30am
- Phoenix Centre, Phoenix Way, Windermere LA23 1BZ
- Contact:
Specialist infant feeding support
For specialist infant feeding support and more complex feeding problems contact our Infant Feeding Coordinator (IBCLC) team:
- Laura Rodgers 07867462031
- Elizabeth Rengers 07920247502
South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support Ann Bruce, IBCLC
- South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support facebook page
- National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212 available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Live online support via web chat.
- The Breastfeeding Network: Drugs in breastmilk factsheets Breastfeeding information
- Find them on Facebook at: 'The Breastfeeding Network‘
- Unicef: ‘Hand Expressing’, ‘Maximising Breastmilk’, ‘Caring For Your Baby at Night’ and more
- Global Health Media - Breastfeeding Videos
- Laid back breastfeeding
- Enhanced latch technique
- Medication and breastfeeding
- Start4life Breastfeeding friend