January 2025

This newsletter aims to give you information about local supportive activities for anyone affected by cancer.

If you need support, please get it touch with the Macmillan Service, drop into our Pod at The Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle call us on 01228 814283 or email cancerinformation@ncic.nhs.uk and we can see how we can help

Recent Events

On the 19th December, we held a Christmas craft session at Workington Library for anyone affected by cancer. It was a small group but perfectly formed, giving us a head start to the festivities. Macmillan crafts.jpgThe session included a crocheted robin with a choice of completed bird boxes to nest in and lots of glitter that brought a sparkle. One hopeful enthusiast even made a felt mistletoe decoration to hang. 

Creativity and conversation flowed in equal measure. The participant feedback was positive and everyone left the session with a sense of eagerness to get booked onto the sessions in the New Year. 

Unfinished craft projects were taken to complete at home ready for Christmas, but on one actually said which Christmas they would be ready for…

If you would like to attend a session, please get it touch and we can arrange a session near you soon! Our next sessions will be held in Penrith in April. We also plan to hold some sessions in Workington, times/dates to be confirmed soon!

Updated Website

The Macmillan Information and Support Service webpage has now been updated with all of the latest information. The website also give further information about local support groups, drop in services at Workington Library and how we can support you.

Spotlight on a local support group

A new cancer support group has started in Egremont.Upcoming event.jpg

The support group is for anyone affected by cancer and aims to provide a supportive environment for attendees to access support through our Macmillan Team who will be in attendance as well as an opportunity to meet and connect with others affected by cancer in the local area.

The groups run on the third Thursday on the month (term time only) at 11:30am at the Florence Art Centre in Egremont. The next group will therefore be on 20th March. The group is held in the café of the centre, during which time the centre is closed to the public, so providing a confidential environment. Following the group, the centre have their Make Space creative workshops which participants of the group are also encouraged to get involved in.

For more information, please contact lwbc.egremont@gmail.com

Upcoming Events

Look Good, Feel Better: makeup workshop sessions for women with a cancer diagnosis in Carlisle. The workshops aim to improve self-confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment with other women affected by cancer. Head over to the website for more information or to book.

Craft sessions: our next craft sessions will be taking place in Penrith on Thursday 3rd and Wednesday 23rd April. If you’d like to book a place, please get in touch.  Dates for Workington also to be confirmed for the end of March 2025.