Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
You can be referred to the service for treatment and monitoring of a current active infection of Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
If left untreated Hepatitis B or C can cause damage to your liver leading to an increased risk of liver damage or liver failure (this is where your liver stops working – the medical name for this is cirrhosis). People with damaged livers are more at risk of needing a liver transplant or developing liver cancer.
Hepatitis B is not currently curable but we can determine if treatment would reduce the level of virus (and thus damage), not everyone needs treatment straight away.
Treatment for Hepatitis C is usually well tolerated most people need 1 tablet a day for 8 to 12 Week with a 95% chance of clearing the virus.
The following organisations provide support and information:
Angela Sinkinson, Viral Hepatitis Nurse:
- 07795 604 919
- 01228 814143
- ncm-tr.northcumbriaviralhepatitisteam@nhs.net