All the latest from the Trust | February 2025

Intro from the Chair

Hello and welcome to our newsletter for foundation trust members and the wider community.  

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February has been another busy month at NCIC as building work continues on our sites -visitors will notice some changes to visiting times at the Cumberland Infirmary. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Chief Operating Officer, Imran Devji, to his post at the end of March. He has a wealth of knowledge, leadership and experience in healthcare and will be a great addition to the Trust.

We are looking to improve how we communicate with our members and so we would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to fill in our survey to help us improve this bulletin for the future – all the details can be found below.

Finally, Ramadan Mubarak to everyone in our community who is celebrating Ramadan this month.

Until next time, with best wishes,

Steven Morgan

New chief operating officer joins NCIC  

image-20250228104026-1.pngOur new chief operating officer Imran Devji will join the Trust at the end of March.

Imran has a nursing background and a passion for excellence in operational leadership delivering clinically led services with quality at the core.

An experienced Chief Operating Officer, Imran joins us from the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in Wales and he has held similar senior roles in East Sussex and Lancashire.

Imran said: “I am really looking forward to joining the Trust’s journey. Everyone I have met has been so positive and I am pleased to be part of the team that will drive the Trust forward.  My commitment as the COO and Board member is to work with colleagues as one team delivering outstanding connected care for Cumbria. We must achieve this in partnership with our local authorities, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and our Great North Health Alliance. Colleague and wider patient engagement is critical as we improve services.”

Chief Executive Lyn Simpson said: “ Imran really impressed us through the selection process. He will be a great addition to the Trust and we are all looking forward to making him feel welcome here in North Cumbria.”

Update to visiting times at the CIC 

image-20250228104129-2.jpegVisiting times were changed at CIC in February to ease pressure on the temporary shortage parking spaces on site.

The times have now been updated and are only in place Monday to Friday.

All evening visiting times remain unaffected, and afternoon visiting times are as follows:

Surgical wards (Aspen, Beech C, Hazel, Maple A/B/C/D):

Monday – Friday: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Weekend: 2pm – 4pm

Medical wards (Larch C, Beech A/B, Elm A/B/C, HASU, Willow A/B/C, AMU/Larch A/B, Heart Centre): 

Monday – Friday: 3pm – 4pm

Weekend: 2pm – 4pm

Maternity services, paediatric services, and end of life care remain unaffected. Other visiting will be at the usual discretion of the nurse in charge, ward managers may be able to make concessions for patients during end of life, or those who are vulnerable (e.g. dementia).

Ward relocations for antenatal and postnatal at WCH

image-20250228104231-3.jpegThe Antenatal and Postnatal ward at West Cumberland Hospital has now relocated to its new home, (formerly children’s ward).

The Estates team, with input from the maternity team at WCH, refurbished the ward to make it fit for purpose. The ward renovation provides a much improved environment for families accessing maternity services and the staff working in them.

This modern upgrade is designed to meet the highest standards of care and comfort, the new ward has seven spacious private rooms, with ensuite facilities, providing more privacy and comfortable amenities.

The ward also has three day assessment beds for antenatal care as well as a dedicated triage room and a new day room, where people can take time out away from their beds/rooms and the ward environment.

Jo McNabb, Matron for Maternity at WCH, said: "We are thrilled to offer our antenatal postnatal services in this new, modern facility. Our team is committed to providing exceptional care to parents and their newborns, and this relocation represents our ongoing dedication to maternal wellbeing."

Endoscopy at NCIC receives national accreditation 

image-20250228104338-4.pngEndoscopy services provided by NCIC at both Cumberland Infirmary and West Cumberland Hospital have achieved JAG accreditation, reflecting the high standard of care patients receive in north Cumbria.

JAG accreditation is a national process that provides independent and impartial recognition that a service demonstrates high quality and consistent care.

Debbie Gibson, Lead Nurse Endoscopist at NCIC, said: "This is great news for our Endoscopy service, and we are thrilled with the positive feedback we have received. It is fantastic that it has come in time for the grand opening of our new £15m Endoscopy Unit at Cumberland Infirmary in the Spring, which will bring the facilities there in line with those at West Cumberland Hospital, following its redevelopment in 2015. The new unit will mean we will be able to treat more patients, helping to reduce our waiting lists and improve timely diagnosis, particularly for cancers. The new unit and accreditation shows our commitment to providing the best possible care within Endoscopy for north Cumbria."

Our physiotherapy team, based at the Sands Centre in Carlisle, were displaced and are currently operating out of the University of Cumbria’s physiotherapy suite. Patients have been contacted directly.

There were various issues across our sites including fallen trees and minor damage to buildings etc but all have been assessed over the weekend and fixed thanks to excellent work by our estates teams.  

NCIC signs contract for new Miya Precision EPR 

We are delighted to share the good news that we have signed a long-term agreement for use of Alcidion’s Miya Precision platform to provide a new electronic patient record (EPR) for the Trust. Our new EPR will mean clinicians will have better and more timely access to patient information through digital systems and hand held mobile devices to support delivery of high quality, safe patient care.

Supporting our colleagues during Ramadan 2025

image-20250228104615-5.jpegMuslim colleagues at NCIC are preparing for Ramadan - one of the holiest months of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is very important to our Muslim colleagues and communities. This year, Ramadan falls between Friday, February 28 and Monday, March 31 (subject to the moon sighting).

Reverend Jane Nattrass, lead chaplain, said: "Ramadan is a time for drawing closer to God and a time when families and communities come together, strengthen connections, and donate to chosen charities. During Ramadan, Muslims fast during the daylight hours.  The chaplaincy team at NCIC is helping with the provision of dates and water during Ramadan for our colleagues.

Imam Rashid, who is also a chaplain at NCIC, said: "On behalf of the chaplaincy team, we send greetings to all of our Muslim colleagues and their families in Cumbria for a blessed Ramadan."

Volunteer to Career programme goes from strength to strength

image-20250228104700-6.pngOur Volunteer to Career programme is going from strength to strength, as we have now successfully secured funding for a third cohort.

Through the scheme, we have already recruited 25 volunteers who have now secured bank, fixed term or permanent roles within the Trust.

A further 16 are currently completing their training and volunteering hours.

Volunteer to Career (VtC) is a programme which offers volunteering opportunities that will give you a nationally recognised qualification and lead to a guaranteed interview for a paid position.

It is ideal for those who are interested in a career in healthcare. This programme can provide volunteers with the skills and experience to apply for NHS jobs, including administration roles and healthcare assistant (HCA) roles. 

Meet our latest volunteers.

Help us to improve your member bulletin 

We need your help to improve how we communicate with you. 

We’d like you to complete this survey and answer seven questions about this bulletin and to find out more about what information you would like to find out about from us.  It won’t take long to complete and your help will shape the future of the information we share with you.

Thank you!

Be Involved: Become a member

Member and Governor update

Governor message from Sheila Gregory, partner governor

image-20250228104957-7.jpegHello, I am Sheila Gregory, and I have been a Partner Governor for almost three years now. There are three sorts of governors: Public governors who are elected by local people, staff governors - elected by staff and partner governors who are nominated by organisations who work closely with the trust.  All governors are involved in supporting the Trust by holding the non-executive board members to account, informing members of the public about the work of the Trust and supporting the public to ask for clarification about the work of the Trust through governor’s questions,

There are partner governors from local councils, the League of Friends, universities and other organisations. I am nominated by Cumbria Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) to represent the voluntary sector; I am particularly delighted to be able to support the voluntary sector in this way as I have been involved in the sector for 50 years this year. Starting as a student volunteer I have spent most of my working career in charity management. Now I am retired I am involved with several groups - including being chair of both Cumbria CVS and the Autism charity the Triple A project. Having worked with disabled and other diverse groups for most of my working life I am very keen for those voices heard by the Trust.

I attend Cumbria CVS team meetings regularly to gather views from the sector on services and feedback news from the trust. I am also available to meet with charities personally please let me know if you would like to meet me. At the moment I am working with Triple A project to organise a conference for neurodivergent people, this will be at Penrith on March 18. We are planning an NCIC stand at that event for governors to meet delegates.

If your organisation is planning an event which would benefit from Governor’s attendance, please let us know and we will try to attend.

Thank you.


Governor questions

Eric Martlew, public governor for Carlisle, asked: “Why can't the hospital send out text reminders, like the GP's, dentists, etc.? Why do patients have to wait a long time for letters after seeing a consultant? It would be better if this information were sent by email.”

The Trust response states: “The Trust sends text reminders prior to appointments. We are also in the process of implementing a Patient Engagement Portal (PEP) where patients will be able to view appointments online and request changes when they can’t attend.

“With regard to delays in typing letters, the Trust tracks this on a weekly basis; current issues are related to vacancies within the teams.

“We have just procured a new digital dictation system which will enable us to create letters more efficiently. This will be implemented over the next four or five months.

“We do not send letters by email as this does not comply with data protection requirements

“The government expects that all hospitals are able to make letters available to patients via the NHS app over the next year and we are working to ensure we are able to do this.”

Become a member

Anyone living in Cumbria over the age of 14 can become a member, you can choose how much or how little you want to be involved – join today.

Concerns or comments

If you have any concerns or comments please contact your governors on the email below. We are here to raise any concerns on your behalf.  More information on the members of the Governors’ Council and their role can be found on our website. If you have any comments or suggestions please contact us via the email below: 

Keep right up to date

You can keep right up to date with our news on our public website or follow us on Facebook, linked in or ‘X’ @ncicnhs.


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