If you’d like to attend or ask the council a question, please contact our Corporate Governance Team by email corporate.governance@ncic.nhs.uk or phone 01228 603761.

Events calendar

The Governor’s Council is responsible for:
  • representing the interests of our members
  • representing the interests of the local community
  • holding non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Board
  • the appointment and removal of the chair, vice chair and other non-executive directors
  • the appointment and removal of our external auditors
  • commenting on our draft annual plan
  • reviewing the membership strategy
  • reviewing our constitution


The Governor’s Council also has 6 sub-committees. These are the Nominations Committee, Governor’s Advisory Committee, Membership & Engagement Committee, Finance & Performance Committee,  Quality Improvement & Safety Committee and Workforce Committee.

The Nominations Committee is responsible for:
  • reviewing the non-executive directors of the Board to make sure they've got the right mix of skills, expertise and experience to govern the Trust
  • developing succession plans for non-executive directors
  • reviewing the leadership requirements of the Trust to make sure we’re providing high quality, safe, cost effective, patient centred services
  • reviewing how much money and allowances the non-executive directors and chair should be given, at least every 3 years
  • finding the best people for non-executive director and chair vacancies, taking part in interviews and making recommendations
The Governor’s Advisory Committee is responsible for:
  • helping the company secretary to plan Governor’s Council meetings
  • deciding what training and development the governors need
  • reviewing changes to the constitution
  • advising on things that will help us to be more productive
The Membership & Engagement Committee is responsible for:
  • reviewing our membership strategy
  • making sure we communicate properly with our members
  • making sure members views are heard
  • finding ways for members to get involved in planning our services
  • working with the communications team to make sure we keep our members up to date and get their views heard
  • advising the Governor’s Council on reports that need to made the members
  • The Finance & Performance Committee is responsible for:
  • Hearing from Non-Executive Directors on the assurances they have sought and obtained in relation to the activities of the aligned Board Committee (Finance, Investment & Performance)
  • Receiving briefings from Non-Executive Directors on notable risks or concerns that the Committee have sought additional assurance on, and / or escalated to the Board of Directors
  • To receive this information and feedback on the Committee’s activity to the Governors Council
  • By exception, and at request of the Governors Council, request an additional briefing / update from the Trust’s External Auditors on the Trust’s annual report and count in addition to that presented by Auditors to the full Governors Council.​​​​​​​
  • The Quality Improvement & Safety Committee is responsible for:
  • Hearing from Non-Executive Directors on the assurances they have sought and obtained in relation to the activities of the aligned Board Committee (Quality Improvement & Safety)
  • Receiving briefings from Non-Executive Directors on notable risks or concerns that the Committee have sought additional assurance on, and / or escalated to the Board of Directors
  • To receive this information and feedback on the Committee’s activity to the Governors Council
  • The People Committee is responsible for:
  • Hearing from Non-Executive Directors on the assurances they have sought and obtained in relation to the activities of the aligned Board Committee (People)
  • Receiving briefings from Non-Executive Directors on notable risks or concerns that the Committee have sought additional assurance on, and / or escalated to the Board of Directors
  • To receive this information and feedback on the Committee’s activity to the Governors Council

Governors council meetings and agendas