The Trust provides a wide range of policies to support staff in their everyday lives which set out the necessary guidance for decision making and the associated processes.

At NCIC, everyone is equal. We recognise the need to tackle discrimination and promote equality. We do everything we can to ensure all our policies:

  • do not discriminate
  • promote equality
  • address the diverse needs of individuals
  • ensure human rights are upheld
  • ensure fair treatment
  • protect dignity

Policy templates and guidance document (only available to staff)

This document includes:

  • policy templates
  • guidance on how to use the policy template
  • details of policy approval routes
  • policy approval flowchart
  • top Tips for Policy Authors
  • FAQs

Please note that the information in italics in the policy template is for author guidance only and should be removed once you have completed the information.

If you're unsure of the process to follow within any policy, speak to your line manager before contacting the policy author or accountable director.

If you are unsure of the arrangements for managing policies, email the policy help desk on

If you require written communication e.g. appointment letters, clinic outcome letters, including any of our publications, to be translated into another language or format, such as Braille, large print or audio, contact:

Patient Experience Team by emailing

Type Title Details
Business Travel Policy
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Flexible Working Policy (includes procedures for Flexible Working and Flexible Retirement)
Gender Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Learning and Development Policy (includes procedures for Appraisal and Management Supervision, Apprenticeships, Corporate and Local Induction, Statutory and Mandatory Training, Study Support (Non-Medical and Dental), Work Experience Placement)
Leave Policy (includes procedures for Annual Leave, New Parents Leave and Pregnancy at Work, Special Leave, Time off in Lieu)
Organisational Change Policy (includes procedures for Organisational Change and Pay Protection)
Pay Progression Policy (to be implemented as of 01 April 2025)
Payment for Extra Clinical Work to Non-Agency Medical Staff Policy
Recruitment and Employee Lifecycle Policy (including procedures for AfC Job Matching and Evaluation, Bank Booking (Medical and AfC non-medical), Disclosure and Barring, Employment of Agency Workers, Exit, Professional Registration)
Resolution Policy - Grievance and Respect at Work (includes procedure for resolution)
Responding to and Supporting Matters of Conduct and Capability for Medical and Dental Practitioners
Supporting Health and Attendance at Work Policy (includes procedures for Alcohol and Substance Misuse, Attendance Management, Display Screen Equipment and Immunisation of Staff)
Supporting Standards Policy (includes Disciplinary Procedure: A Compassionate Approach to Handling Conduct Concerns, Supporting Performance Improvement (including the probationary period process), Managing Personal Relationships in the Workplace)